CEC with Vizio E65-E

  • My Panasonic viera plasma went out, and I replaced it with a Vizio E65-E series TV. Can't seem to get the the TV remote to control Kodi on an RPi 2. The Pi HDMI goes through an AV receiver. I had mapped a bunch of functions into a Harmony remote with the old TV, but on this one neither the harmony nor the TV remote do anything. I hadn't changed any settings in Kodi, and CEC is enabled on the TV. Sometimes Kodi shows up under CEC devices, sometimes I have to search for it. Don't know if I have a configuration wrong, or if it's a wonky HDMI cable.

    Thinking possibly cables, as the Pi video input isn't recognized by the TV unless I follow specific steps after reboot (plug pi directly into TV input, which then recognizes signal, then unplug and connect through receiver again. Weird. The TV recognizes a chromecast going through the receiver without a problem though).