The slideshow hangs after x amount of time

  • Noticed how the slideshow hangs after x amount of time, seems to be when it has been running for at least a couple of hours.

    Quickly fixed by simply rebooting but wanted to ask if anyone else seen this and/or if it's a known bug?

    I'm running LibreELEC 8.2.5 on a RPi 3 Model B.

    • Official Post

    Sorry, but the crystal balls sale isn't until a couple of week, so we would prefer to have a debug-enabled kodi.log instead.

    Via , preferably. To keep the forum server clean & tidy. :)

  • Sorry for the late response. Never received a notification my post received a reply and forgot about it.

    The issue still is valid though where I need to reboot my RPi or restart Kodi a couple of times each day when the slideshow has frozen or I just get a black screen.

    I'm sure most people would be able to tell if this is a known issue without the need for a crystal ball but if you can point me in the right direction of some instructions on how to produce what you're asking for I'm happy to provide you with that information and maybe I can finally stop rebooting/restarting my photo frame all the time :)

  • Happy to report the the bug causing the slide show to hang after x amount of time seems to finally have been addressed in 9.0.2 with or without help of a crystal ball ;)