[SOLVED] 480cvbs not working on LE9

  • My Odroid C2 is connected to a beamer which only has a composite video-in port (NTSC). I followed this guide and soldered a connector to my c2. All has been working perfectly for over a year on LE 8.x. Now I decided to try LE9, build it from git and put it on my SD card, fresh install. System boots and I can connect through ssh, but no video.

    On LE8.x I used this kernel command line:

    console=tty0 boot=/dev/mmcblk0p1 disk=/dev/mmcblk0p2 no_console_suspend logo=osd1,loaded,0x3f800000,1080p60hz vout=hdmi,enable hdmimode=480cvbs cvbsmode=480cvbs mac=00:1e:06:34:00:77 consoleblank=0 max_freq=1536 maxcpus=4 hdmitx=cec17 nosplash ssh

    On LE 9 I use this kernel command line:

    console=ttyS0,115200 BOOT_IMAGE=KERNEL boot=LABEL=LIBREELEC disk=LABEL=STORAGE no_console_suspend logo=osd1,loaded,0x3f800000,1080p60hz vout=hdmi,enable hdmimode=480cvbs cvbsmode=480cvbs mac=00:1e:06:34:00:77 consoleblank=0 max_freq=1536 maxcpus=4 hdmitx=cec17 ssh console=tty0 systemd.show_status=auto

    What am I doing wrong? Is 480cvbs no longer supported?

    Complete log at http://ix.io/1azx

  • Following this post I got video working. For a few seconds. Right after the logo the screen gets black.

    A lot of errors in the kodi.log

    I'll wait a little longer before trying LE9 again.