Child Profile Poster Carousel

  • Hi,

    I'm new to LibreELEC, so excuse me if I ask stupid questions.

    I'd like to use LibreELEC and Raspberry PI 3B+ only for movies stored on my NAS.

    I'd like to have two profiles, which one of them are for children.

    It would be awesome if the children profile only shows the movies' posters (around 80) in a image carousel, with no more options than Start From Beginning or Start From Last Position. Upon Exit they would need to enter a PIN code.

    Is that possible? Do I need a special skin to solve this, or is it possible with the standard version?

    Thank you very much for your support!

  • The feature lock down and a lot viewes, the menu editor is very powerful.

    Not sure if it has exactly the view you want but likely something that would do it too. And yes you could completely shut that skin down for child usage :)