[FIXED] Compilation under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS​

  • The new version Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is released recently, and includes many recent versions that causes compilation errors in the "toolchain", here is the solution that worked at home.

    You will find the patch files to add in your sources of LibreELEC : MEGA

    Then, it is necessary to put GCC 6 by default, here is the procedure :

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gcc-6 g++-6
    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/gcc" "gcc" "/usr/bin/gcc-6" 60 --slave "/usr/bin/g++" "g++" "/usr/bin/g++-6"
    sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
    gcc --version
    g++ --version

    If you follow these few patches, you can compile your project under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS !

    Edited 2 times, last by CSylvain: Add Patchs (zlib, libcap, systemd, kodi) (April 30, 2018 at 4:10 PM).

  • This is the only one that allows to compile it under this distribution, I updated the link with other patches, I think he will have a lot of work to do on this part.

    I saw your link, it just indicates an update QEMU ?

    My topic is more focused on the "toolchain", and compilation difficulties for WeTek_Play_2.

    I think that will help a lot of people. ;)

  • With the current LE Master I am able to build an WP2 image just fine at Ubuntu 18.04 without any changes.

  • Otherwise, still an update of the archive ZIP, which finalized the compilation of "kodi", and its Tools compile in HOST and "intltool" for compatibility with Perl 5.26.

    You are free to include these changes on a version 8.2.6, in the meantime, I will make sure to update this topic. ;)

    CvH : I understand better of different result, and I do not wish for the moment to use the "BRANCH" master, because it uses a Kodi Alpha. ;(

    To be more precise, and I work on a distribution, which will completely change the use of Kodi, including the possibility of developing WebAPPS in PHP.

    It's been years since the "Roadmap" of Kodi integrates this development, but nothing to date, the solution that I develop, will use Qt WebEngine 5.10 (Blink engine) or more and the Widevine plugin for compatibility with example Netflix.

    This distribution will be available on hardwares using 2 Framebuffer (fb0, fb1), I do not want to use graphics server (X11 or Wayland), for performance reasons, especially when we can use pages with a transparent background, and a video in progress. use by Kodi :

    <body style="background: transparent; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)">

    With such a solution, we can perfectly use the PVR, with the use of HbbTV !

    Edited 2 times, last by CSylvain (April 30, 2018 at 4:26 PM).