KSharp - Write Kodi Addon with Csharp

  • Hi, (sorry for my english, im french)

    Description :

    Ksharp is a library to develop kodi add-ons in C#, Python Call CSharp application console with subprocess.Popen, C# listen standard input for Python event and reply to Function writen in standard output. Version 1.00: not all tested, please test and send your report to Email

    Need mono installed, tools.mono addon in libreelec.

    Source >>> KSharp Source

    How To Build Addon:

       In windows with visual studio:

    1 - Create C# Console Project.

    2 - Add KSharp dll to your References.

    3 - Write your code in Program.cs file, Example:

    4 - Build the project.

    5 - Create your addon folder, example: script.ksharp.simpleexample

    6 - In your addon folder, Create the addon.xml file, copy addon.py file from KSharp example source, create folder KSharp, Copy KSharp.dll and your C# exe in KSharp folder and rename your exe file to addon.exe.

    7 - Install and run your addon !

       In Linux with mono:

    1 - Create your addon folder, example: script.ksharp.simpleexample

    2 - In your addon folder, Create the addon.xml file, copy addon.py file from KSharp example source, create folder KSharp, Copy KSharp.dll in KSharp folder.

    3 - Create C# File addon.cs in KSharp Folder

    3 - Write your code in addon.cs file, (view in windows section)

    5 - Build the project, Example : dmcs addon.cs -r:KSharp.dll

    6 - Install and run your addon !

  • first I wrote this code for the C# developer, but with this code it is possible to mix c # and python code, to integrate csharp libraries directly into an addon without having to translate the code to python. But initially it was just to help C# developers to write addons.