Cannot use for Live or recorded TV

  • Current condition:
    Raspberry Pi 3, LibreElec, HDHomeRun Extend [just USA OTA channels], WiFi

    Over the Air HDHomeRun Live or Recorded TV [via ServerWMC] works very well on 3 other KODI devices but not the RPi running LE KODI. [The HDHomeRun has even been replaced but for another reason]

    Anything, other than HDHomeRun Live or Recorded TV works very well on the RPi LibreElec [in some cases better than my NVIDIA Shield], even streams which claim to be 4K look good on the RPi LE KODI.

    I have tried to use TVHeadend [on the same RPi] and ServerWMC [on my Win 7 laptop] as my backend but both fail to produce a viewable LiveTV or recorded image on the RPi.

    Live TV acts like there is no functioning CODEC but I did download MPEG-2 license key, installed, and VERIFIED that the CODEC was running. [CPU usage did drop on one core from 100 to approx 20 so it appears this is functioning. However, the distored image remains the same.

    I cannot view ANY Live TV via KODI or even the HDHomeRun addon in KODI as all I get is, first a good pic but within a couple of seconds the bottom 3/4 of the screen looks like someone took a paint brush and smeared the entire image.

    I can view .ts files without any problem. I CANNOT view WTV. nor can I view whatever format the HDHomeRun outputs in real time.

    I want to use TVHeadend for my backend but right now only ServerWMC works for the RPi, my NVIDIA Shield, 2 laptops all running KODI V16

    I have tried to fix this for over a month but obviously the problem is over my head.

    NOTE: When I tried to use the RPi TVHeadend for my backend, all my Front End devices had this same problem on the HDHomeRun Recorded TV files.

    Edited once, last by MikeW (August 6, 2016 at 2:36 PM).

  • Been gone this weekend but between the time I posted this and Nickr's reply, I erased the SD card and started from scratch.

    I loaded both MPEG2 and VC1 codecs, and started using PVR WMC & ServerWMC and everything is now perfect.

    Even the HDHomerun addon in KODI works better than my KODI install on my NVIDIA Shield [maybe the Android layer causing problems?????]

    I may get another SD card, load that one up just like the current SD card and start playing with TVHeadend again which, IMO, started this whole problem and it never went away even when I disable TvHeadend and went back to ServerWMC.

    Initially Live TV was working albeit with a nagging HDHomerun issue that Silicon Dust immediately addressed.

    This way if I run into the problem again I have a good solid starting point to refer to.
