Raspberry PI stopped to send audio via HDMI for second device in row

  • Hi Team.

    HW: Raspberry PI 2 Model B v1.1 (CPU: ARMv7 rev 5 (v71), BCM2835)

    SW: LibreELEC (oficial), 8.2.4, RPi2.arm

    Problem description: Raspberry PI stoped to send audio totally via HDMI. First for one of the connected device, then after ~6 month to another device as well.


    I had this setup: Raspberry_PI(HDMI)-------(HDMI)Pioner_receiver(HDMI)--------(HDMI)Samsung_TV. With that devices everything worked well. Sounds volume was controlled by Pioner_receiver. I had both sounds of GUI and video playback. GUI control was controlled by Samsung_TV remote control, sounds volume control was controlled by Pioner_receiver remote control. Suddenly w/o known trigger sound stopped to be playing. I reconnected my Raspberry_PI directly to Samsung_TV. New setup became like this:

    Raspberry_PI(HDMI)--------(HDMI)Samsung_TV. With that setup everything became woking well, sound started to play again. Sounds volume was controlled by Samsung_TV. I had both sounds of GUI and video playback. GUI control was controlled by Samsung_TV remote control, sounds volume control was controlled by Samsung_TV remote control as well. Suddenly w/o known trigger sound stopped to be playing again. On the Samsung_TV appeared crossed sound symbol meant that there is no incoming sounds from connected device (Raspberry_PI).

    I suspect that there is somewhere inside a Raspberry_PI sound setting for each device exist and for some reason this settings became "broken". I exclude HW problem because of after first failure HDMI sound restored but for another device. Also I exclude an issue with Samsung_TV and Pioner_receiver because of when I connect my Mac to the same HDMI-ports I have a sound on both Samsung_TV and Pioner_receiver.

    Please help to fix the issue and restore a sound over HDMI.


    UPDATE1: when Raspberry_PI(HDMI)--------(HDMI)Samsung_TV is connected there is no sound on the analog output as well. But if disconnect HDMI and reboot Raspberry_PI after reboot I can hear at least comfort noise on the headphones connected to analog audio output. Also comfort noise is interrupted/synced when I press arrow buttons on the keyboard connected to Raspberry_PI via USB. So sound does not work both HDMI and Analog only when connected to Samsung_TV or Pioner_receiver via HDMI.

    Edited once, last by sergedevorop (March 31, 2018 at 9:47 PM).