Permanently unmout partitions

  • Hello,

    I am new to LE and running LE 8.2.4 on x86_64 (PC). After starting, all partitions of all disks installed in the computer are mounted under /media. While several of these partitions are relevant, some are not (e.g. "System Reserved") and some are unwanted (e.g. my old Windows partition that I keep just in case).

    Is there a way to permanently prevent LE from auto-mounting these partitions after booting?

    Many thanks in advance!

  • Thanks a lot. It worked.

    However, I had partitions without a label and I therefore used ID_FS_UUID instead:

    1) run "blkid" and take note of partition uid's;

    2) Add the following line to 95-udevil-mount.rules (just under the one with ID_FS_LABEL):

    ENV{ID_FS_UUID}=="youruid1|youruid2|...", GOTO="exit"