Raspberry PI B+ hung overnight

  • I set my Raspberry Pi model B aside and Installed LibreElec 8.2.4 on a fresh SD in my new PI B+. I had to go back to MicroCenter to get a 2.5A supply. My existing 2.1A supply was not sufficient.

    I installed my backup, scanned my library and all appeared to be well until last night. I discovered LibreElec hung this morning. I have not had a hang in over a year with my model B.

    Here is the last bit of kodi.old.log:

    2:00:28.060 T:1709650848 NOTICE: My Music: Scanning for music info using worker thread, operation took 01:11

    13:42:11.736 T:1768371104 ERROR: OnTvStandby - Unexpected [standby_pc_on_tv_standby] setting value

    19:51:02.551 T:1709650848 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    19:51:02.551 T:1709650848 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.weathericons.default/

    20:52:06.135 T:1768371104 ERROR: OnTvStandby - Unexpected [standby_pc_on_tv_standby] setting value

    It does not show in this copy and past, but the file ends with about a million NUL. I have not seen that before either.

    Any ideas?

  • Are you overclocking in any way? The log garbage could be due to memory or file corruption.

    There's still some rough edges with the RPi firmware following the Pi3B+ launch which are being addressed and will appear in a future LibreELEC update.