[SOLVED] from ubuntu to libreelec - pavucontrol SPDIF

  • Hello... i'm beginner to LibreElec, but i used Kodi in Ubuntu. In that os i follow this steps to activate my SPDIF output because not individuate in the automatic configuration:

    write “pavucontrol” from ubuntu terminal

    go to Configution and enable the output Digital Stereo HDMI output, then in output tab select Advanced and DTS e AC3.

    modify the /etc/pulse/default.pa with

    sudo gedit /etc/pulse/default.pa

    insert this command at end of file: load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,7

    but pavucontrol not exists =Oand is not permitted to install it =O and when i try to modify /etc/pulse/default.pa i have the read only error =O because this is a system file:cursing:

    help... you know a solution or a workaround to able my spdif output?


  • Ok vPeter,

    i sed your example and i tried to insert this instruction to autostart.sh

    pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,7

    but nothing change (but i think "is normal")... do you have an idea to enable and DTS e AC3 in my SPDIF output?

  • Hello vpeter,

    your information are perfect... i only writed a wrong device, i don't saw the corret information in "aplay -l" with

    pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,6

    in autostart.sh work perfectly!!!!!! i put the complete autostart.sh if a people have my problem:
    Thankyou soooooo mutch

    pulseaudio -k

    pkill -9 kodi.bin

    pulseaudio --system

    sleep 2

    pactl load-module module-udev-detect pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,6 channels=3

    sleep 10

  • You don't need to kill kodi because at that time it doesn't even run :)

    Also sleep 10 will delay of kodi starting for 10 seconds (in case you don't want that).