Unable to play 1080 PVR (.ts) with Audio Unknown - Stutters

  • Hi folks,

    Sorry if this is a repeat of a post - couldn't find where.

    I'm noticing a number of my DVR recordings (from PLEX on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 4.4.0-112 generic x86_64 with HDHomeRun Connect and DUAL) are completing with Video 1080P/I - H264 & Audio Unknown - MP2 Stereo.

    Turns out my KODI devices (S905X Chipsets x3) on Libreelec with Plex Add-On 0.1.3 are unable to play these files without stuttering... They're not watchable.

    Otherwise Libreleec / KODI will play pretty well any codec you throw at them with ease (love it!)..

    Any help available to identify why this is the case - or how to determine what the problem is..

    Log file can be found here:


    Perhaps the problem starts here?

    19:32:47.701 T:3703567264 INFO: DVDVideoCodecAmlogic: Opened Amlogic Codec

    19:32:47.701 T:3703567264 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: am-h264 - Opened

    19:32:47.701 T:3483014048 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::OpenStream - open stream with codec id: 28

    19:32:47.701 T:3483014048 ERROR: CVideoPlayerVideo::OpenStream - Invalid framerate 90000, using forced 25fps and just trust timestamps

    The PLEX client on the PC plays the troublesome files okay.

    Any clues?

  • Okay it's not just unknown audio files...

    Recorded one @ 576p with English - MP2 Stereo Audio - it also stutters.

    Same time recorded another @ 1080P - H264 Audio Unknown - MP2 Stereo and it plays fine now.

    PC plays all files no problem.

    Any clues?

    Anyone out there?

  • just thinking with you.. have you rulled out the read write speeds of your media? meaning older sdcards have low write speeds especialy when hd stuff...

  • Hi!

    I've installed the O/S onto the onbard memory - not the SD Card. There is a noticeable speed difference between the two for sure.

    Thanks for the suggestion though.

    It doesn't seem to be all that uncommon - but there are a number of different resolutions out there, each with subtle nuances.

    I guess I'll have to keep researching. It could very well be memory related though - although it does sometimes happen with 576p content too. At the same time other codecs at 4K are okay.

    Pity, had hoped a guru might be able to decipher the logs and point in the general direction of a resolution.

    Thanks for replying.

  • MAYBE solution 1. update to LE9/Milhousebuild (still Alpha!)

    should work solution 2. convert the ts files to mkv (mkvtoolnix) or directly record to mkv

  • Hi Folks.

    Okay have done some testing...

    If I load 8.1.8 do a factory reset (delete everything) - everything works properly. MPEG2 files work flawlessly (gee it looks good too!). I use the Plex add-on to test with.

    If I upgrade to it breaks (per the above)..

    I've not done exhaustive testing with other versions - bit frustrated at the time, was just happy to get it going!

    I've tried a few times and I can repliocate it - which is actually a good thing!

    So I'm back onto 8.1.8 (905.arm) which works a treat.

    Sorry for the delay in responding - I'm keen to sort this out. I'll be more diligent in future.

  • I guess there's a better thread to post that information into?

    Might get the attention of a broader audience and perhaps get it looked at officially?

    Thanks again folks - I really do appreciate the responses.

  • If it was up to me i stay with the best working one.. and if possible make a new image with the latest version 9 on a sdcard and test it, if it works fine, if not, easy to go back..