Change SpiDev Buffer

  • Hello,

    I would like to increase the SpiDev's buffer size from default 4096 bytes to 65536 bytes (or other values).

    I have tried various methods:

    "modprobe spidev bufsiz=65536" --> I checked the spi bufsiz after with

    "cat /sys/module/spidev/parameters/bufsiz" and it still reported 4096.

    Then, I tried to change the parameter directly by changing bufsiz through nano:

    cd /sys/module/spidev/parameters

    chmod 666 bufsiz

    nano bufsiz

    When I tried to save and quit nano i get the following message:

    [ Error writing bufsiz: Input/output error ]

    The above method does work on raspbian but not Libreelec.

    Anyone an Idea ?

    Thanks in advance

  • I am in the same boat. I cannot get the spi buffer to change.

    Is this possible?

    I have tried the following methods.

    /flash/cmdline.txt spidev.bufsiz=1024000
    added to EOL

    /flash/config.txt dtoverlay=spi-bcm2835 bufsize=1024000


    echo "options spidev bufsiz=1024000" > /storage/.config/modprobe.d/spidev.conf