lirc don't work

  • i type mode2,but has a error. and /dev can't find lirc0

    LibreELEC:~ # mode2
    Using driver default on device /dev/lirc0
    Cannot initiate device /dev/lirc0
    LibreELEC:~ # ls /dev/lirc*
    ls: /dev/lirc*: No such file or directory

    so i type lircd ,find lirc service has already run .but no work.

    i type ir-keytable, find protocols don't enable,but i don't how to fix it.

    LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event0) with:        
    Driver sunxi-ir, table rc-empty 
    Supported protocols: rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp        
    Enabled protocols:        
    Name: sunxi-ir        bus: 25, vendor/product: 0001:0001, version: 0x0100        Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms
  • sunxi-ir?

    LE has never released images for Allwinner devices (not yet) so whatever code you are running on, it did not originate from us, and we have no idea what it contains, what version of LE it claims to be, or how accurately the unknown author of that image has followed the changes we have made over the last 6-9 months on IR things

  • sunxi-ir?

    LE has never released images for Allwinner devices (not yet) so whatever code you are running on, it did not originate from us, and we have no idea what it contains, what version of LE it claims to be, or how accurately the unknown author of that image has followed the changes we have made over the last 6-9 months on IR things

    i modified LE source code(Dec 2017) and compile it by my self, it work well. i don't modified any part of Iirc source code/scripts/config file.

    Edited once, last by pipipapa (January 17, 2018 at 11:42 AM).

  • i type ir-keytable, find protocols don't enable,but i don't how to fix it.

    LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event0) with:        
    Driver sunxi-ir, table rc-empty 
    Supported protocols: rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp        
    Enabled protocols:        
    Name: sunxi-ir        bus: 25, vendor/product: 0001:0001, version: 0x0100        Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    The sunxi-ir driver doesn't support the raw "lirc" protocol - it's missing in the list of "Supported protocols". This means you can't use lircd, you have to use ir-keytable.

    I suggest you switch to a current LibreELEC version and then follow the guiide in the wiki: infrared_remotes [LibreELEC]

    so long,


  • Hi there,

    i have also problems with lirc. For several version, (last was LE 8.02 with Kodi Krypton 17.3) i have only added "dtoverlay=lirc-rpi" to config.txt and it works "out of the box"on my Raspberry PI3. Now i have installed LE 8.22 and remote doesnt anything...

    Any ideas?



  • i have also problems with lirc. For several version, (last was LE 8.02 with Kodi Krypton 17.3) i have only added "dtoverlay=lirc-rpi" to config.txt and it works "out of the box"on my Raspberry PI3. Now i have installed LE 8.22 and remote doesnt anything...

    Use dtoverlay=gpio-ir instead of dtoverlay=lirc-rpi. Also read the wiki page for details about this.

    so long,
