IR Remote Keypress Problems

  • Hello everyone,

    I have the same issue as this post on my Odroid C2. Essentially when pressing differing buttons on a remote control, the previous button is remembered and entered, then the currently pressed button. I have a universal remote that I was able to get recognized with both the samsung (NEC) and rc6_mce keymaps (RC6) with the same result. The post I mentioned had a link to a workaround but that link is dead. Does anyone else see this issue and possibly have a fix? Thanks!

  • I just noticed that there is a bug report on the RedHat bugtracker about duplicate key presses detected in ir-keymap. Although I'm seeing a slightly different issue related to pushing one button then a different button, I thought maybe these problems could be related. I can't find the source code for ir-keymap online, but even if I could I don't know if I'd be able to analyze it since I'm not so great of a developer. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • AFAICT the issue you are seeing is caused by a bug / missing feature in the meson-ir driver. The in-kernel protocol decoders need to receive a trailing space (or "timeout") to know when the IR transmission is finished, and meson-ir doesn't seem to generate that.

    So what's happening is that when you press a new button meson-ir sends a rather long space to the decoder which finishes decoding of the last received IR signal (the "old button") and then goes on decoding the new signals - IOW every last button is leaking into the next button.

    Until this bug is fixed it's better to use userspace lirc instead, it does it's own timeout/decode-end handling and should work fine.

    so long,
