Classic Xbox remote control phantom clics

  • Hello

    I have a Raspberry PI 3 B with the original power supply and the classic Xobx Remote Control who has been working with the "old" Raspberry Pi B+ and RaspBmc.

    Now, I am at LibreElec and, after activating the Lircd through the Options Menu, the remote control does not work propperly.

    Often, when I go down, or left, or any direction else, It makes a double displacement, like If I pushed the button twice.

    This does not do on Raspbmc (in Raspberry PI 1 B+) or Osmc, only at LibreElec.

  • What kind of IR receiver are you using, a USB receiver or one connected to the GPIO pins?

    If you are using a GPIO reveiver you should use the gpio-ir dtoverlay (not the lirc-rpi one, this will be removed in the next LE version) and disable lirc in LE settings as IR signals are decoded by the kernel.

    See the wiki page for details: infrared_remotes [LibreELEC]

    so long,


  • Sorry for being late :(

    The results about LOG and this command are the same.

    journalctl -a | paste
  • Well, done a fresh install (formatting the microSD card) and now...

    journalct -a | paste


    and kodi debug log:


    and some other bad news after the fresh install :(

    1-. It doesn't find the Shared folder from my laptop. When adding a New Video Source at Browse\Windows network (SMB), it doesn't show the Workgroup places :(

    2-. It doesn't let me to change the System Language on Interface Settings. Only English is enlisted :(

  • You could try to alter the default lircd.conf file, there are some comments in it regarding repeats. First copy it over to /storage/.config

    cp /etc/lirc/lircd.conf.d/xbox-dvd.conf /storage/.config/lircd.conf

    Please keep in mind that the lirc_xbox driver which you are currently using for the xbox IR receiver won't be supported in LE9 - we removed it from our current development tree because it never made it upstream and started to make troubles. So you might be better off switching to a different remote or using another IR receiver (on the RPi a simple GPIO IR receiver should do fine).

    so long,
