Unable to access storage/.kodi folder anymore

  • I was running Kodi 16 on OpenElec. I edited the samba.conf file back then and had access to the .kodi folder via windows at that point. I upgraded to version 17.1 with LibreElec and everything worked great. Decided over the weekend to upgrade my Kodi installs to 17.4 Upgrade went smooth but I noticed after I was unable to access .kodi folder in windows anymore.

    I checked my storage/.config/samba.conf file and it looks like below.


    server string = LibreELEC

    workgroup = WORKGROUP

    netbios name = %h

    security = share

    guest account = root

    socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536

    smb ports = 445

    max protocol = SMB2

    min receivefile size = 16384

    deadtime = 30

    os level = 20

    mangled names = no

    syslog only = yes

    syslog = 2

    name resolve order = lmhosts wins bcast host

    preferred master = yes

    domain master = yes

    local master = yes

    printcap name = /dev/null

    load printers = no

    browseable = yes

    writeable = yes

    printable = no

    encrypt passwords = true

    enable core files = no

    passdb backend = smbpasswd

    smb encrypt = disabled

    use sendfile = yes


    path = /storage

    available = yes

    browsable = yes

    public = yes

    writable = yes

    As far as the above config. I am not even sure I need any of the stuff in the general section. I think I grabbed that elsewhere and just kept it. However The storage share should be viewable and i should see the hidden directories but i cannot.

    Then I went into storage/.smb and viewed that file and it looks like this


    preferred master = no

    local master = no

    domain master = no

    client lanman auth = yes

    lanman auth = yes

    socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536

    lock directory = /storage/.smb/

    name resolve order = bcast host

    should I see the storage share in here? Or is this normal. Anyway I just want to view all the hidden directories within windows and it worked before I upgraded to the latest version of libreelec. Right now the only folders I see if i unc (\\libreelec) is











    TV Shows




    DId I run into a bug or do I need to fix/edit something?

  • As a additional note I deleted my samba.conf file and took the sample file and just added


    path = /storage

    available = yes

    browsable = yes

    public = yes

    writable = yes

    root preexec = mkdir -p /storage

    at the end and renamed it to samba.conf and rebooted but still not able to browse the .kodi folder from windows.