Raspberry Pi 3: Need to format & re-install LibreElec or something else

  • Hi all,

    I'm new around here so please excuse me if I sound like a bit of a n00b...

    I setup a new Raspberry Pi 3 with LibreElec (V 8.0.2), running Kodi for a friend- it came preloaded on an SD Card so installation was a breeze.

    When I went to my friend's home, I noticed that on WiFi, any streaming was terrible and that the Access Point that it was connecting to was showing huge amounts of TX interference.

    I tried to bring the device back home and connected it to my Access Point (same brand as my friend) and it's doing the same thing. With an Ethernet cable, it worked like a dream.

    A tech friend suggested that the PI is causing a multicast storm... and suggested that I "Block LAN to WLAN Multicast and Broadcast Data" except for the router.

    I tried this and it made no difference.

    I also tried to disable zeroconf but the problem still seems to persist.

    The same tech friend suggested that I re-install Librelec... Please could someone explain how I would go about doing this or suggest something that would prevent this mulitcast storm issue...

    Thanks in advance

  • Go into the LE settings add-on and do a hard reset .. this erases the content of /storage and puts you back in the same state as a clean install.

    As a general statement the on-board wireless "could be better" and it's worth running a cable to use Ethernet.

  • Go into the LE settings add-on and do a hard reset .. this erases the content of /storage and puts you back in the same state as a clean install.

    As a general statement the on-board wireless "could be better" and it's worth running a cable to use Ethernet.

    Thanks for this- I tried it but still the same issue

    May just need to run an Ethernet Cable... but it still puzzle's me that the device is broadcasting data that's causing problems...
