Help modifying hosts file

  • I'm trying to modify a hosts file to accommodate a sports add on, however I'm new to this and would appreciate a little guidance. I'm able use putty to connect via ssh and remotely connect but that's where I get a little lost. From what I understand I need to put the Ip address followed by the dns but I don't know where exactly to put it. What command do I put to get to that point and at what line do I put it? Really appreciate any help.

    I can get to the storage/. config/hosts.conf, but where do I put the Ip address and dns and how do I save and edit? Do I need to put a # in the line... I see those on other lines

    Edited once, last by Ryan2303 (September 27, 2017 at 2:53 AM).

  • There is a an example in the file.

    # at the start of line means it is a comment, so no, you won't want that.

    so you'll want something like:


    But I have to say that having to use hosts means your DNS is somehow broken.