Thank you for your response!
The setting add-on only allows adding a single user, if I want to add more users and choose which folder can be shared, how can I do that?
Thank you for your response!
The setting add-on only allows adding a single user, if I want to add more users and choose which folder can be shared, how can I do that?
With LibreElec, can I create a specific smb user and force the user to use the credentials to access specific samba share?
I tried to follow Restrict anonymous user to access Samba folder | Linux System Administrator's Blog by changing the /.config/samba.conf file
but seems useradd functionality does not exists with libreelec?
I currently have a dilemma that hopefully you might be able to help me decide.
I've been using LibreElec for almost a year, and I love this linux flavour for my media center.
To enhance my media center experience, I also install couple of docker containers, such as:
- sabnzbd
- sonarr
- plex server
The dilemma that I have is, I want to make this to be my central data storage for my files (including backup to cloud, such as backblaze / crashplan / google photos, etc) too; I know that some might say, just build another server/NAS; but I'd like to cut down the electricity usage and use only a single server box.
If I want to do this (make it as a central data storage), I need to spend extra time to find out the perfect docker container (or build one from scratch) that will fit the purpose; for instance: here
Furthermore, with LibreElec, is it secure enough to save private files? consider there are some limitations (from memory, the ssh password is defaulted to libreelec, although I managed to use public/private key right now, so it's no longer an issue)
If I go with Ubuntu, I might lose the flexibility of just 'login' to kodi when I boot up the machine, which is one of the great feature I use for non-techie member of family (although I believe ubuntu can be configured that way...but still it requires some config again)
What do you guys think?
I'd like to sync my photos from Google Photos (in Google Drive) to a secure folder in libreelec; the requirements are:
- To access the secure folder, I need to punch in a password / similar method to ssh public key
- When LibreElec is restarted, the secure folder is 'locked' (this to ensure no prying eyes when the physical drive is removed and connected directly to SATA-to-USB cable)
With Windows, I can use veracrypt application and create a 'container' and mount that container to Windows, and sync google drive in that mounted drive;
Can I do similar with LibreElec / Linux in general?
FYI, editing the sources.xml file will not automatically update the path values in the video and/or music databases.
Thanks Klojum, in this case, which file should I update to accommodate the changes then (if there is any)?
Another question, if I need to move the movies folder around, should I just:
1) move the files manually (using ssh or similar method) & re-attach the new folder on kodi gui & run the kodi update process
2) there is a simple setting file that I can manually edit the movies location?
Found the answer myself from Userdata - Official Kodi Wiki , it's located inside ~/.kodi/userdata/sources.xml
Use Clonezilla live cd to clone the new drive, then use gparted to expand the main partition.
Thank you, will give this a try
I am curious, what would be the advantage in cloning vs. just doing a backup, then a fresh install on the new drive and then restoring backup?
I was under impression that backup will copy the settings but not the add on? (note: I currently have couple of Dockers applications (e.g. sabnzbd, sonarr), it would be nice if these app can be carried over to the new drive too)
Another question, if I need to move the movies folder around, should I just:
1) move the files manually (using ssh or similar method) & re-attach the new folder on kodi gui & run the kodi update process
2) there is a simple setting file that I can manually edit the movies location?
What's the best method to move/clone LibreElec to a new/different (potentially bigger) hard drive?
I tried to copy/clone the main partition using Paragon hard disk manager Mac, it seems I need to re-create the syslinux on the new drive, but not sure how to this.
I really appreciate if someone can supply a step-by-step method to do this clone to retain LibreElec main partition
I'm migrating large files from the old 3TB hard drive to 8TB hard drive using ssh connection; in the past, I can install "screen" application, that allows me to create new ssh connection, disconnect and re-connect the session (so that it is running in the background even though my SSH gets disconnected).
Is there a similar application with libreelec?
Hi Klojum,
Thanks for your responses so far, this definitely help me.
I'm afraid that Linux/LibreELEC doesn't really like your AMD video card. AMD/Ati GPUs have given us mixed results for the last couple of years, mostly because AMD hasn't really bothered to do any Linux video support.
You mean you then get a normal display of LibreELEC's main screen? That would be very odd.
Sorry, I think you were right, I tried plug-in my 1TB HDD with the same VGA display, and it is just stuck during boot (right after docker applications run):
The resolution is to boot the 8TB using external graphic using HDMI port (Asus Radeon R7 240 2GB DDR ), and do the configuration over projector
Case closed
Seagate Expansion 8TB Desktop External Hard Drive USB 3.0 (STEB8000100) Hi Klojum,
Thanks for your response; I tried to ssh from another machine (Mac), unfortunately, connection is refused.
I then tried to use Ubuntu LiveCD and managed to get the log files from the drive:
- kodi.log = Empty file
- kodi.log.old = Ubuntu Pastebin
- kodi_crashlog_20170712210957.log = Ubuntu Pastebin
- kodi_crashlog_20170712210925.log = Ubuntu Pastebin
For your reference, the following is my hardware spec:
- Memory 8GB
- Graphic:
-- internal graphic card to VGA monitor (I use this during libreelec installation)
-- Asus Radeon R7 240 2GB DDR (I use this once libreelec is up and running to my projector)
- Seagate 8TB (taken from Expansion 8TB Desktop External Hard Drive USB 3.0 - STEB8000100)
Note: If I use my 1TB HDD (Hitachi HTS541010A9E680), LibreElec works as expected
Hope this information helps your investigations
Thanks heaps!
In continuation of libreElec installation to a new 8TB HDD (thread) ; I then able to restart to the new HDD.
I can see the LibreELEC splashscreen and the "LibreELEC (official) - Version: 8.0.2" word on top left hand side
But...that's GUI no nothing afterwards, it just stuck there.
I can also see the computer HDD light does not lite up / working at all; which indicated that the computer is rather idle / hang.
It's been running 2.5 hours and the screen just stay as is, I might going to try for another hour or so,
if the problem persist, is there a way to retrieve the start up log files to check what's really happening?
Thank you!
My guess was right, I left the installation process to run overnight (leave the installation at 28% overnight) and the installation finished!
I checked the installation log, as there is no timestamp, I have a feeling this has been caused by make2fs process; as it has created a bunch of hexa comments
I have a feeling that the reason why the installation process stuck at 28% is because the librelec installation is potentially trying to format the big+7.5 TB drive (as 512GB used by the system, as per chewitt comments)
Plus my computer hdd light is constantly running too.
Thanks for your reply!
As I'm using Mac, I tried to google syslinux GPT creation and found no result; are you able to share the steps to install syslinux on the GPT disk?
PS: I use Paragon Hard Disk Manager Mac to create the GPT disk and ext4 partitions, I just need to do the syslinux bit...
I have 8TB drive that I'd like to use with LibreElec; I have downloaded the generic "LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.2.img.gz" and install it to external USB HDD using "LibreELEC.USB-SD.Creator.macOS".
Unfortunately, the installation process stops at 28% at "creation of partition /dev/sdb1"... I suspect this is an indication that LibreELEC only works with MBR disk type?
Okay, I found the resolution and managed to find the problem.
The instruction on Config connect ssh wo password - OpenELEC is to copy the public key of OE to the authorized_keys file on remote machine (in my case Mac); it should be the other way around, the public key of the one who connecting from is the one to be stored on OE authorized_keys file.
The following works for me:
On MAC (not on OE server):
1) Generate RSA key
Mac:televisi$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/televisi/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/televisi/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/televisi/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
ssh-256:xxxxx [email protected]
The key's randomart image is
Display More
2) Get the contents of the public key (~/.ssh/
Mac:televisi$ vi ~/.ssh/
ssh-rsa:blablablapublic_keyForMac [email protected]
On OE:
3) SSH to OE
4) Copy the contents of public key retrieved before (from OSX, step 2) to OE ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file
echo 'ssh-rsa:blablablapublic_keyForMac [email protected]' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
5) Make sure the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys has the following permission
if not, just run "chmod 600 authorized_keys"
6) Go to OE GUI > Settings > OpenElec > Services > SSH
7) Disable SSH Password = TICK
On OSX: use ssh root@OE without password now