Posts by cross

    Same thing happened to me the other day. 'Reset LibreELEC to defaults' is the only way


    Thanks! That did the trick. I ended up making and retrieving the backup off of the system, but not reloading it. I've just kept it for reference later, if I remember that I have it. I entered in the remote volumes I had set up, once-over the other config and settings, and am running like that. Videos now play as expected.

    I wonder why that happened, and what exactly happened? Love to hear if anyone has root-cause thoughts, but I no longer need to solve the problem for my specific case.

    Having recently upgraded my Asus Chrombox from OpenELEC to LibreELEC 8.0.0 with Kodi 17.0, I find that I don't see video playback any more.

    Specifically, after I seemed to get the U/I all working and displaying correctly, tweaking numerous settings around, I find that when I start to play a video (Movie, TV show, I've tried a few, so I assume it's not based on the specifics of a video file [format]), the play icon appears in the U/I, but nothing else appears. I can head the sound of the video, at least for quite a number of seconds worth, then the audio seems to stop. I can interact successfully with the U/I, stop the video, etc. But I never _see_ it.

    This is likely specific to my chrome box, so let me know if I should try a different forum... I've asked in the Kobi forums too, but I know know where the problem lies, so asking here as well. Thanks...
    Hmm. Interesting additional detail. I hooked up a mouse to the box, largely to make adjusting settings a little easier. After having a mouse attached, I find that I can _click_ on the play icon and program/movie name near the upper right of the screen, and it attempts to display the video. But, it's not succeeding. I can't see anything but black, and after a few seconds (8?) it stops trying to play, then audio stops, and there are echoes of mouse cursor motion that get stuck in the video play area.

    Is this a problem with settings on the video device? I followed the advice I found at Chromebox - Official Kodi Wiki to set things, up, and that was mostly how they were already set.

    Let me know if you have any thoughts. Thanks.

    Hey all. Off the topic of the later part of this thread, I need help with the basics. I also have an Asus Chromebox that I just upgraded from 6.0.98 Fritsch to LibreELEC 8.0.0. After trying the img file which didn't work, I tried the tar file which did. The upgrade completed successfully.

    However, the LibreELEC system is nearly useless because the video has random color bands and display craziness. I can make out the basics, text, shapes, but the video is rendering in such a way that colors are splashed. Either the video driver is wrong or bad in some way, or I have some acceleration turned on that I shouldn't or the like.

    Any idea how to fix this messed up video on my LibreELEC 8.0.0 installation?

    I also have an Asus Chromebox that I just upgraded from 6.0.98 Fritsch to LibreELEC 8.0.0.

    However, the LibreELEC system is nearly useless because the video has random color bands and display craziness.

    Okay. Embarrassing to fix it myself only _after_ posting, but. So in Settings->System Settings->Display, I turned off both "Dithering" and "Colour management". Then, after a reboot, it all looked okay. I then turned one on at a time, and it has continued to display without the color defects. So, *shrug*.

    I can't say for _sure_, but IIRC there were only two options earlier for "Dither Depth" in that screen. 2 and 3. Now, after rebooting with it off et al, I see 8, 7, all the way down to 2. Left at the default of 8, all seems good. I'm guessing this dither depth setting was the problem, although I don't know what caused it. Maybe a bug report should be opened for whatever caused it to only give 2 and 3 as options? If it could be reproduced...

    Thanks, and good-day...