Posts by coverilla

    Bios in bios folder, then test it. Bcracers works fine with plus_gx for Sega CD, pico for 32x not so much... ill play around with it some more...


    Thanks for advice. You are right, with genesis plus gx core it works fine. I managed to run also sega32x with picodrive core which I have copied from retropie image.

    Hi, I have tried it on rpi3 with the following result:

    Emulator runs fine. I managed to run Crazi Taxi (Very playable) and Cannon Spike (not playable, too much graphical glitches and defects). I didn't manage to run Armada and Atari Anniversary (probably not yet on compatibility list

    For the controller config I have used this py script:

    reicast-emulator/ at master · reicast/reicast-emulator · GitHub
    and generated config stored in /storage/.config/reicast/keyboard.cfg (of course you can use any name you want)
    and then pointed in /storage/.config/reicast/emu.cfg to the proper controller config:

    evdev_device_id_1 = 2
    evdev_device_id_2 = -1
    evdev_device_id_3 = -1
    evdev_device_id_4 = -1
    evdev_mapping_1 = /storage/.config/reicast/keyboard.cfg
    joystick_device_id = -1

    where evdev_device_id_1 points to your game controller in /dev/input/eventX
    and evdev_mapping_1 points to stored controller mapping
    the reicast-joyconfig script helps you to identify proper eventX

    0: Љ Mini keyboard (/dev/input/event0, usb-3f980000.usb-1.2/input0)
    1: Љ Mini keyboard (/dev/input/event1, usb-3f980000.usb-1.2/input1)
    2: PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller (/dev/input/event2, b8:27:eb:7b:56:53)
    3: PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller (/dev/input/event3, b8:27:eb:7b:56:53)
    Please enter the device id: Traceback (most recent call last):

    I have also created the necessary directory tree structure:

    and placed dreamcast bios files to /storage/.local/share/reicast/data :
    dc_boot.bin dc_flash.bin

    Good work Escalade

    Edit : found the problem : sound volume was set to the minimum... But I did not change it myself ?

    This is issue with the game controller.
    Sometimes the analog sticks are stuck in the position which decrease the volume to minimum. So you can either increase it back with controller and then turn off/on controller to reset the position or configure mapping in the way to disable volume controll by analog stick.

    Hi Escalade, I have updated libreelec (on rpi3) after several months and currently I have an issue with 2 PS3 controllers, basically both are recognized either in Kodi/LibreElec or Emulationstation but for some reason only one is recognized directly in emulator (retroarch). For example if I run some nes game where 2 players can play simultaneously they are both controlled by one ps3 controller.
    This was working (and still is working as I have old backup) without any issue in the old image with old retroarch:

    LibreELEC:~ # retroarch --version
    RetroArch: Frontend for libretro -- v1.3.4 -- 2f7bc87 --
    Compiler: GCC (5.3.0) 32-bitBuilt: Jun 4 2016

    Do you have any idea what can be the issue in current image and why retrorarch doesn't recognize second ps3 controller?
    The weird thing is that it still provides message that ps3 controller in port #0 and port#1 has been configured but it seems that it redirects the both ports just to the first ps3 controller.
    the current retroarch version:

    LibreELEC:~ # retroarch --version
    RetroArch: Frontend for libretro -- v1.3.6 -- d49502d --
    Compiler: GCC (6.3.0) 32-bitBuilt: Jan 5 2017
    Hi again,

    so I have found what is causing this issue.
    In current retroarch.cfg there's input_driver option set to "sdl2". In my previous config this was set to "udev".
    After setting back to "udev" ps3 controllers are recognized correctly and independently in retrorarch

    It works for me on Generic (Intel). The dosbox core is not really that mature anyways, it has an issue with the keyboard autorepeating and there seems to be a problem with some games copy protection (Little Big Adventure 2 does not find CD even if it's mounted). I'll probably package up the regular dosbox with sdl2 at some point.

    Ahh, that might be the case. I'm on RPI3. Anyway, thank you for your answer.