Posts by boot2k3

    On my system ntp settings from LibreElec doesn't work and I use this script:

    ping -w 10 -c1
    ntpd -q -p

    This script ping server until 1st success packet during 10 seconds. It's enough for my system.

    You can change the time from 10 to 60 seconds and perform required action after.

    My regional settings language is Russian.

    There are 2 ways to repeat problem:
    1. Regional language set to Russian.
    If I want to add any channel to Favorites than after it not possible to run this channel from Favorites:
    ERROR: PlayMedia could not play media: pvr://channels/tv/Все каналы/pvr.iptvsimple_2036685492.pvr
    2. Regional language set to English. If I add any channel to Favorites than after it works. But if I change regional language to russian than I again receive:
    ERROR: PlayMedia could not play media: pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.iptvsimple_2036685492.pvr

    Is it possible to fix this for LibreElec PVR IPTV Simple Client addon?
    On windows version all work without any problem.

    I have the same problem with livetv for DD 5.1 passtrough. For video playback it works correctly, but for livetv I hear only left and right channel.
    Does it perform decoding in other way for livetv?

    In 8.0.1k I see sometimes picture freeze on 2 secs
    In logs at this time I see

    Never saw this in previous releases.

    Hello,  kszaq,
    8.0.1j works perfectly on my X92.
    Regarding the new feature, after suspend mode I receive a green screen on my TV. I need to switch to HDMI2 and back to HDMI1 to receive normal picture or power off and power on my TV.
    Is it possible to add HDMI recheck after returning from suspend mode?

    Does favorites work for IPTV in LibreElec?
    If I open TV channel directly, it's working ok

    18:35:26.797 T:4120412160  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.iptvsimple_2024973223.pvr

    If this channel added to favorites and I'm trying to open it, it doesn't open and in log I see:

    18:36:12.139 T:4120412160   ERROR: PlayMedia could not play media: pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.iptvsimple_362861235.pvr

    And also during channel opening I see in logs

    18:35:28.987 T:3584639840   ERROR: Unable to load, reason: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    18:35:28.987 T:3584639840 WARNING: CAMLCodec::CAMLCodec not found, trying instead

    Is it ok?

    I found the same issue on S905X/S912. It starts red and green color flaring in bands with equal width. Simple switching liveTV channel fix this flaring. But after a while it appears again. This issue has nothing with overheating. I opened box and kept CPU temperatute < 60°C and the behavior was same. This flaring has never happended on S905 boxes..

    The same issue on S912 for me. I have one liveTV channel with the same color problem on f version.

    S912 does not have the bootloader issue that requires a build with temperature sensor disabled.

    In that case what can be the reason of 3-7 minutes delay before it start?
    I see only LibreElec image, and after this it wait something 3-7 minutes. After I see the message about version and after it works without any problem.
    It only appeared on hot box, when the temperature is about 60 °C.
    Android system starts without any delays on any temperature.