Posts by KaramH

    Hi there!

    So here's my Setup. I own:

    - A HTPC in my living room, that also acts like a server, running on an generic intel chip with LibreELEC 8.2.3 installed

    - A RaspberryPi Model 1B in my bedroom, also running LibreELEC 8.2.3

    - A Win 10 Laptop, from which I usually copy Media onto the server

    Since I just updated to the new LibreELEC version (don't know exactly which one was running previously - it had Krypton 17.3 running) I can't access the server anymore over the SMB-shares. I know, that there have been some changes recently concerning the SMB protocols that Kodi uses, but anything I tried to get it to run just won't work.

    Basically the problem is, that I cannot even see the HTPC in the network. I already tried to configure the "new" samba.conf, but even if I let in the standard values it takes no effect.

    All three computers are in the same workgroup called "WORKGROUP". But even in the data browser in Kodi i can't see the other machines in the SMB Folder. It only really works via the zeroconf browser. On the Windows Machine though - no chance at all. I tried to access it via it's given name in the explorer (\\HTPC or \\LIBREELEC), via IP-Adress (\\ and via the share name (i.e. \\\Update) - but still it seems to not even trying to connect to one of those...

    I also tried tweaking the settings of the min-max protocol version in Kodi (1-1, 2-3, 2-2, 3-3, 1-3) but after rebooting it's always set back to "None"...

    Does anybody have any Idea what I could do? I'm really running out of ideas right now...

    So you no longer use the Windows installed on that HDD?

    Try booting Ubuntu live or anything else that has Gparted,
    first delete those 2 extra partition on that drive, should be sda1 and sda2,
    expand the remaining partition to take all the space or if you have less than half the HDD space taken by your media,
    you should resize Windows partition, create a new partition and expand, move all your media there then delete the Windows partition and expand your newly created partition.
    Also if possible make a backup of LibreELEC move the backup to a USB stick, go to BIOS make sure everything is set to "LEGACY/CSM" instead of UEFI and reinstall LibreELEC.

    Okay. I did a repartition on my HDD and it worked for me. The HDD does still not mount on startup, but I worked around it by putting the mount command into the which works fine. Still getting a Kernel oops, so i will try the Digital Devices image next. I'll keep you posted!

    Linux can be picky with mounting partitions when for example there are disk errors, or the drive was not unmounted properly, or the system that the drive was in was in hibernation mode.

    Please recheck.

    Then please tell me how to check if it was unmountes irregularly. I'm not an expert on this field. As I said earlier I migrated from OpenELEC just recently and until then everything worked just fine for me.

    I do have quite a large amount of media on that HDD, so just reformatting the whole thing would be my last go-to-option.

    Also the last Windows version I installed on there should have been Windows 7.

    Hi there!

    I recently migrated from OpenELEC to LibreELEC. Everything seemed to have worked just fine. But I recognized, that my second HDD (3 TB, NTFS) was not recognized by LibreELEC (although it had been recognized by OpenELEC). I already tried mounting it but wasn't succesful. I can mount the EFI partiotion of that HDD (mount /dev/sda1 /media) but the other partition, which includes all the media i have on there, is not mountable.

    Here are my results for

    blkid | pastebinit
    mount | pastebinit
    dmesg | pastebinit


    I hope someone can help me. I'm quite desperate and this is driving me insane :D

    Thanks in advance!