Display Morehi and thank you again!
i tried the command you adviced:
chown 99:100 /storage/downloads
now i'm able to download to this path that is based on the internal disk, but if i use this for external drive (NTFS formatted filesystem) it has no effect.
chown 99:100 /var/media/Toshiba\ EXT/jdown
jd2 is still reporting the error: invalid download directory. I also double checked if there is enough space for downloads. Maybe it helps to show my command i used to run docker container:
docker run -d --name=jd2 -v /var/media/Toshiba\ EXT/jdown:/downloads -v /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/jdownloader:/config -e TZ=Europe/Berlin -p 8000:8080 aptalca/docker-jdownloader2
Accessing the jd2 web GUI i'm also able to see the other folders and files that are located at the external drive in the directory "jdown"
But no wirte access or sth. else? Even jdwonloader creates a .part file of the download file in the specific directory "/var/media/Toshiba\ EXT/jdown" that i'm able to list with the "ls" command navigating over ssh through the filesystem...i hope anyone can help me to fix this
hello again,
i know my issue is a little bit off-topic but i want to solve my problem and gain more linux experience. Maybe i'm not the only one who's using an external ntfs disk with libre elec + jdownloader 2 container and answering my question hopefully could help other users, too.
As i described above i'm able to start jdownloader2 container and change the download directory for my internal ext4 filessystem but not for external (USB) nfts formatted disk. Thanks again to aptalca who helped me to figure out that it is a permission issue. I have red that it is not possible to "chwon... " a ntfs disk in libre elec because ntfs is not POSIX conform. The only point here is that sadly reformatting the ntfs disk is not an option for me.
I also know that running a docker container as root is commonly known as a security risk.
But for me it seems to be the only thing to get rid of the this permission issue. My idea is to change the nobody user of the container to root thus the permissions in the container and in libre elelc are the same and i'm able to save (write) the downloaded files to my external hard disk.
It would be great anyone knows if i am right or tells me how i can achieve my goal of using a jdownloader download directory that points to a an external ntfs formatted drive...