Posts by alex0801

    So, is there an easy way to switch to Raybuntu's Version of Libreelec without loosing my complete setup?

    Or does anyone know where to find the dvb driver in LE's filesystem so that I can try to replace the exising driver with the better one, without changing the whole LE installation/setup?

    What does "without vdr support" exactly mean? --> I'm, no longer able to record live-tv with tvheadend? So also no timeshift?

    The idea with improving the signal:

    I have an quattro LNB --> round about 5..6m antenna cable (120dB version) --> a F-plug to F-plug connector to get the shielding grounded --> round about 10..15m antenna cable --> a quattro to 8 receiver multiswitch (with built in amplifier for each of the 4 inputs, all 4 channels are using max amplification) --> round about 10..15m antenna cable to the antenna wall-plug in the living room ---> 1,5m antenna cable to wetek play 2 box.

    This setup worked for last 3 years (since installation) without any hassle with Dreambox 800HD and now with Wetek Play 2 with WeOS.... It's still strange to me that this is now an "driver" issue. But anyhow... On next weekend I try to improve the receiving signal on the antenna by fine tuning it.

    Beside that, I'm not sure where to add an additional signal amplifier.. maybe at the F-plug-to-F-plug connector?
    I found out, that the LE build process (also raybuntu...) is getting it's drivers from here:

    Index of /devel/

    so, f.i.

    Index of /devel/
    Index of /devel/


    wetekdvb-20160307.tar.xz 10-Jul-2016 15:25 19100
    wetekdvb-20160930.tar.xz 29-Sep-2016 23:45 31172
    wetekdvb-20161127.tar.xz 27-Nov-2016 12:39 31188
    wetekdvb-20170116.tar.xz 18-Jan-2017 10:38 31180

    the archive contains .ko file, as well as firmware files.

    The .ko driver file is put here:


    The firmware is copied to this folder:


    According to my installation, the md5sum indicates (compared to the content of the above mentioned archives), that the driver is from 20170116 version:

    605b7b5ba2fbd266edb0e827197088e2 wetekdvb.ko

    Would be great if zbigzbig20 can check the md5sum as well ("md5sum /usr/lib/modules/3.14.29/wetekdvb/wetekdvb.ko"), so that I try the "working one".

    Sadly, /usr/lib/... is read-only mounted. But this is not a big issue :)
    Another question which is currently rising:

    The wetek dvb driver is a kind of "binary blob" that directly comes from wetek.

    So, why is WeOS (with latest updates) working quite well and Kodi with TVheadend is struggling with signal quality, if obviously both use the same driver?

    Sorry for the late response. I did not get any email notification about thread-replies :(


    What satellite do you use and what FTA HD channels you have problems with? I'm asking to reproduce your issue.

    Astra 19.2E, FTA and HD+ channels. Issue appears on HD channels (FTA & HD+).

    I searched a bit, and found out, that the main reason could be a bad satellite-antenna direction. Could be better. So I have to wait for good weather and re-setup the antenna to improve the satellite signal (depending on the channel, it could be 20-40% better). The strange thing is: With Wetek WeOS the issue is not present. Just works.


    something wrong is with new dvb driver in play2

    That would explain almost anything...

    I need pvr/vdr... (timeshift, recordings, ..), so switching back to an older driver would not be an option. I rather wait for new/improved driver and try to improve the sattelite signal (tvh status page also tells me about continuity errors, as well as log file:

    2017-03-08 15:24:07.046 [WARNING]:TS: DVB-S Netzwerk/11347V/KiKA HD: H264 @ #6610 Continuity counter error (total 4)

    I did NOT buy a new microsd card, as Toshiba spec says, it is capable of reading with ~90mb/sec. So I first disconnected the box from my netgear-switch and connected it to my DSL-Router. And... tadaaa... It works. Packet loss dropped from ~26% to 0..2%.
    TVHeadend webinterface etc. is loading almost instantly and setup was working as expected. Switching-time is btw about 2-4sec...depending on the tv channel. Great...

    So finally: It must be a weird port configuration of my netgear smart managed switch.

    But I now have the next problem: From time to time (more or less a few minutes), the live tv is showing artifacts when watching HD channels. I switched from "htsp" to "pass" streaming profile. That improved the situation a bit, but the issue is not gone.
    I don't have this issues with SD channels, just with HD channels. It's also independant from "hd plus" smartcard usage... The issue appears also on "free HD" channels.

    My guess is, that TVHeadend is causing this issue on streaming server side... But this is just a guess. CPU load is still uncritical.

    I'm using tvh 4.2 and LE8.0, all up2date.

    Any hint's on what I can do/check about this issue? If it helps, here's the video showing stuttering + artifacts:

    External Content
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    Hmm, then I will first try to play around with the micro-sd variant... If this works well, I may install into nand/emmc.

    How about the microsd speed? Is the microsd internally connected via USB? Or directly? My toshiba card is able to be be read with 90mb/sek... that's not THAT slow (but still slower than emmc).

    One thing regarding the "cpu load":
    The slowness is only visible when accessing the box via SSH and trying to access tvheadend webinterface. oscam webinterface is also slow, but it's somehow useable. tvheadend webinterface is loading and loading, and not finishing. white/empty webpage ...
    This userinterface on the TV is very fast and responsive.

    So I assume, that this is totally related to the LAN issue I face. My current guess is, that this issue is caused by something like a power management setting on my smart managed netgear switch (mainly due to the fact, that the box's wifi connection is very stable and reliable, no packet loss. And wifi is provided by my DSL router and not via managed netgear switch). This I will test this evening.

    I compared the specs between my toshiba microsd card and the "recommended" sandisk/samsung cards. My toshiba should be faster. But anyhow, I will buy a 32gb samsung evo today and will re-test.

    Regarding the unreliable LAN connection: I will try to test a direct connection to my notebook. Maybe my router and/or managed switch is causing this issues. Maybe some "energy settings"... who knows.

    regarding CPU load:
    I know, that I have 4 cores. But it looks strange to me, that kodi is eating, even when kodi is in idle, so much cpu load (almost one core, completely, all the time).

    I will report back about the findings with new sd card as well as "reduced LAN network".

    I don't know. I prefere wifi connection

    I will test how reliable wifi is... But it would be a shame if I cannot use the gigabit connection I have all over in my house :(

    I will test how reliable wifi is... But it would be a shame if I cannot use the gigabit connection I have all over in my house :(

    WeOS/Android with wifi is very reliable. No packet loss at all. I'm pretty sure that this will also count for LE... Very strange. I will try to get more details from Wetek Support about this.
    If I have a permanent packet loss of about 26..30%, it's totally clear that the thveadend page is not delivered correctly...

    Sounds good. Does it make a big difference if I use libreelec from sdcard or from nand?

    Until I'm not very sure that libreelec works as expected, I would not kill my weos on the nand. So I'm currently using the sd-card.

    And again, it's f*cking slow with LE8 ...

    I login via ssh and run "top". The output runs for a while, but sooner or later stops. I have then to kill the ssh session. ...

    Same just now happend with "ps aux | grep kodi" ... Does not seem to make a difference which command I enter. Sooner or later the ssh session is broken.

    Also thveadend webinterface (4.0 as well as 4.2) is not coning up... it's loading all the time, bot nothing is shown.

    Ping works, but has package loss. Network connection is done by gigabit LAN.

    Is this caused by the SD card?


    I removed tvheadend client addon and disabled wireless-connection (which is unused). Ping is very unreliable:

    --- ping statistics ---
    227 packets transmitted, 166 received, 26% packet loss, time 226570ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.611/30.307/484.855/85.620 ms

    I tried to use an external USB LAN Adapter. This seem to give better reliability, but wetek play 2 is crashing when playing around in the menus.

    Any ideas what's wrong?


    When booting into WeOS, the network connection is also unreliable... that's very strange.

    Great to hear that LE8 runs fine with wetek play 2.

    My last test was with LE7.95.3 BETA + wetek play 2 DVB-S2 + thveadend ... worked somehow... but

    * the box was always under some more or less heavy load (top showed most of the time >50% cpu usage)
    * tvheadend webinterface was not reliable. sometimes the page responds, sometimes not (maybe due to high cpu load?), and most of the time is was very slow.
    * live tv switching time was about 2-4sek, but more 4sec than 2sec.
    * I was not able to get my HD+ smartcard running with oscam

    Would be great if you could tell us about the live tv switching time and, if you're using any smartcard?!