Posts by ErwinH

    I'm trying to compile LibreElec 7.95.3 with added support for the OrangePI with CedarX (I know of the license issues, but still I'd like to have this running)

    I'm up to the point I can get a working image without the external libs for CedarX but when I add the DVDCodec for CedarX I can't link the kodi.bin.
    The error I receive is:
    DVDVideoCodecCedarX.cpp:294: undefined reference to `InitializeVideoDecoder'
    DVDVideoCodecCedarX.cpp:312: undefined reference to `DestroyVideoDecoder'
    And quite a lot more.

    I believe I'm missing the link to the libs but can't figure out where to add those. I've added the following to but it still won't use the libs:
    AC_CHECK_LIB([vdecoder], main, LIBS="$LIBS -lvdecoder -lMemAdapter", AC_MSG_ERROR($missing_library))
    XB_ADD_CODEC([CEDARX], [cedarx], [$codecs])
    What am I missing?