Posts by meauses

    Installed Libreelec 8.0.0 on my Pi 3 this weekend to replace my Minix Neo X8H Plus.

    Started watching a tv show this evening and after a little while Kodi starts to hang and the whole system becomes unresponsive.
    It looks like its overheating, so i took it out of the case and started monitoring temperature with 'vcgencmd measure_temp'. It stayed within the 50's region.
    But it still stopped playing, although the subtitles did continue.

    Im streaming from a Synology NAS over NFS.
    And apart from a RF USB stick I use to control the Pi with the Minix Neo X8H remote nothing else is attached.

    I also enabled debugging while watching the tv show, but cpu usage did not go over the 200% (4 cores) and memory also did not seem to be fully utilized.

    It seems that it cant process something not properly

    Hopefully someone can point me towards the solution.

    This is what i got from my kodi.log