Posts by teeedub

    I'm confused - UHD mode is off on my TV for the HDMI port that the j4105 is connected to and with the LE HDR test build you posted the TV switched to HDR mode with 2160p 25fps 10bit content. Since GLK does not support 10bit modes, does that mean the signal being sent was 12bit? I'm not familiar with GBM(? the display manager that build used) and xrandr wasnt present so I wasnt sure how to get more info from the j4105 about what display mode is being used. Because of the lack of xrandr, I didnt set any custom modelines or use an extracted EDID that I use with Ubuntu 19.10. Also, I just tested a 2160p 60fps non-HDR video and it played and displayed fine with UHD mode off on the TV + custom modelines on Ubuntu 19.10.

    I tried to figure out what is causing that "no signal" issue on Samsung TV when "HDMI UHD color" is enabled.

    At first I thought that Samsung does not support 4K RGB modes with Deep Color. But the odd thing is that when trying 4K 50/60 modes - Intel driver is switching to RGB 8-bit and it doesn't work as well.

    So, the only 4K HDMI modes that work with GLK+Samsung TV are:

    4K 24/25/30Hz RGB 8-bit

    4K 50/60Hz YCbCr 4:2:0 8-bit

    Its something to do with the colourspaces that the TV expects and the driver sends. You can force UHD modes when not in UHD mode via custom modelines. From memory, to get it working I booted the j4105 with the TV in UHD mode, got the available UHD modelines via SSH, and then added them via a boot script and xrandr. Now I can use 4k60 in non UHD mode.

    More info here

    [GLK] no signal - with samsung 4k TV - HDMI UHD Color (ENABLED) (#271) · Issues · drm / intel · GitLab

    I think it would be beneficial if people here with this issue make some noise on the bug tracker to get some attention on this problem.

    I compiled a build with working HDR from Kwiboo 's work-in-progress branch. Tested on a Gemini Lake J4105 and Samsung 4K TV. In order for HDR to work go to Settings-->Player and enable "Allow hardware acceleration - PRIME".

    Nice - HDR works! j4105 odroid h2 and a samsung mu7000 with 1080p and 4k content. Thanks! It doesnt switch to HDR everytime, but it does if I stop the video and start it again.

    On a side note, is there anyway to switch the display kodi outputs to? I'd like to give this build a good test, but I need to disconnect a HDMI cable because my second, non 4k HDR monitor is used automatically and the option to change doesnt appear to be in the kodi GUI and xrandr isnt present. I still see the libreelec splash on the 4k screen though.


    I'm close to pulling the trigger on a j4105 board and have been checking on this thread periodically.

    Anyone know if there have been any updates to HDR in Linux and Kodi? Looks like kernel 5.3 has been released so it might already be useable?

    Also, reading through this thread, it seems that the j4105 will be supported in regards to HDR? It has a UHD Graphics 600 (Gen 9.5 LP GT1 up to 700MHz) GPU.


    Hi Guys,

    I'm trying to setup lirc on a CoreElec 8.90.1 as I need a button on the remote to restart Kodi that runs outside of Kodi (because its +10 to WAF in my household), but while I have the ir-keytables portion working well, I am struggling with the lirc half. The remote I am using is a logitech harmony setup as a MCE remote with the inbuilt ir receiver in the Beelink GT1 Ultimate s912 box. It seems that while lircd is running, irw is not able to connect to the socket (error below)

    Some points:

    *I previously had ir-keytable + lirc working on a ubuntu setup so I have been reusing configs where possible. Its been a few years since I set it up on ubuntu, so I may be missing something in CoreElec, but I followed the wiki once I started having troubles

    *I am launching ir-keytable via a custom udev rule and not using /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg as I need to set button delays (I've since discovered that there is a separate rule for key delays, so I can go back to using rc_maps.cfg if it helps).

    *I have tried running the commands listed in post 6 of this thread with some modifications (using lircd instead of lircd-lirc0) to no avail.

    *eventlircd has been removed and I'm not sure if something else needs to be done because of this.

    *irw error:

    Cannot connect to socket /var/run/lirc/lircd: No such file or directory

    *Info requested in the above thread:


    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event2) with:
            Driver: meson-ir, table: rc-empty
            lirc device: /dev/lirc0
            Supported protocols: lirc rc-5 jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6
            Enabled protocols: lirc nec rc-6
            Name: meson-ir
            bus: 25, vendor/product: 0000:0000, version: 0x0000
            Repeat delay = 1000 ms, repeat period = 100 ms


    *journalctl -a


    *ls -la /storage/.config/

    *ls -la /storage/.cache/services/

    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Apr 27 14:15 .
    drwxr-xr-x   10 root     root          4096 Apr 27 14:15 ..
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Apr 29 19:35 avahi.conf
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Apr 29 19:35 crond.conf
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           176 Apr 29 19:35 samba.conf
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root            70 Apr 29 19:35 sshd.conf

    *ls -la /dev/lirc*

    crw-------    1 root     root      229,   0 Apr 29 19:34 /dev/lirc0

    *systemctl -a

    *udevadm info -a -n /dev/lirc



    Anyone have any suggestions on why lirc is not working on my system? Im stumped...

    Hi Guys,

    I want to install samsunctl to control my mu7000 Samsung TV from Libreelec to automate the TV, but it appears that libreelec does not come with the required python modules or a mechanism to install them, so samsungctl will not work.

    Any suggestions on a way to install the python module 'websocket' into libreelec for use outside of Kodi?

    I'm running 8.90.0 (S912.arm).

    Getting a different undefined symbol error with vxsu:

    ERROR: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.vsxu/, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.vsxu/ undefined symbol: jpeg_resync_to_restart


    You can start irexec via systemd which provides the ability to automatically restart it if it crashes.



    Getting the same error with LE8.0.0 on nvidia ion hardware:

    23:46:04.519 T:139904632823104   DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - projectM
    23:46:04.519 T:139904632823104   DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/
    23:46:04.519 T:139904632823104   DEBUG: Loading: /storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/
    23:46:04.527 T:139904632823104   ERROR: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/ undefined symbol: __glewBindFramebufferEXT

    The library exists where the addon is looking for it:

    ls -la /storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        453944 Feb 27 23:32 /storage/.kodi/addons/visualization.projectm/