Found topic DVB issue since LE switched to kernel 4.9.x (RPi3) and downloaded 8.0.0, kernel 4.8.13, no media_build which was compiled by user smp and HOORAY! Live-TV works again.
Posts by Postoffice
Hello experts
I'm using LibreELEC 8.0.0 on Raspberry PI 3, and i want to buy a DVB-T dongle for live TV.
I found this dongle --> [url=…31-765486a98f85] Digital DVB-T2/T DVB-C USB 2.0 TV Tuner Stick HDTV Receiver[/url]
but i don't know how to check if it will work on my device or not (before I by it)Any advice ?
I have two of those and they work fine after a bit of tinkering. At the moment LE 8 breaks something and causes heavy stuttering, artifacts etc. but LE 7 works fine.
EDIT:Oh, I'm using those for DVB-C but if I remember correctly DVB-T was the most problem free way to use those.
EDIT2: But the easier way would be to use something that is already supported. When using unsupported hardware you have to be ready to use your own time for making things work and have to be aware of the fact that any update or change can make them not working again. -
After i updated to 7.95.2, 7.95.3 and 8.0.0 live-tv has become unwatchable. Lots of stuttering, audio out of sync, artifacts etc. problems.
If I remember versions correctly 7.95.1 and 7.90.010 had no problems with live-tv.
I have two astrometa-sticks connected to RPi and TVH server and client are on the same box.
From what I have read, this bug has something to do with the new 4.9.x kernel, correct?
I can't downgrade to working betas anymore because they are not available anymore on repo.
I have downloaded firmware from Antti's webpage for those sticks and it has worked fine before updates. The tuner out-of-range lines have always been in dmesg, even when they were working fine.
I've tried setting arm_UC to 12.0 and deinterlacing to bob but it had no visual effect.EDIT: oh, I forgot. I'm running sticks on DVB-C
I'm running Milhouse's latest build right now(for testing purposes) but it doesn't matter what new build it is. Problem is persistent.
Display MoreLibreELEC:~ # uname -a Linux LibreELEC 4.10.0 #1 SMP Fri Feb 24 21:05:28 GMT 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux LibreELEC:~ # vcgencmd version Feb 17 2017 20:41:51 Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom version 88b8ca93c6eb22e38531075a6d7e4f25f900af43 (clean) (release) LibreELEC:~ # lsb_release LibreELEC (Milhouse) - Version: devel-20170224210424-#0224-g0d24524 [Build #0224] LibreELEC:~ # vcgencmd arbiter status SYSTEM_UNCACHED: alg:hybrid SYSTEM_L2: alg:hybrid SYSTEM_SRC: alg:hybrid SYSTEM_PERI: alg:credit SYSTEM_DMA: alg:credit VPU_UNCACHED: alg:hybrid VPU_L2: alg:hybrid CAM: alg:credit HVS: pri:12 panic:15 V3D: pri: 0 panic: 0 H264: pri: 8 panic: 0 JPEG: pri: 0 panic: 0 TRAN: pri: 2 panic: 3 ISP: pri: 4 panic: 0 USB: pri:13 panic: 0 ARM_UC: pri:12 panic: 0 ARM_L2: pri: 5 panic: 0 ARM_PER: pri: 8 panic: 0 V3D_LIM: pri: 0 panic: 0
dmesg <--dmesg here
TvH screenshot after about 30sec of live-tv activity