I have just had another crash. Here are the steps I took:
1) Stopped kodi and removed my .kodi directory.
2) Removed the system.d files any other systemctl services I had installed (Docker, Inadyn, OpenVPN, stunnel) - these services would fail to start anyway since they were created by the addons, and I've now removed the .kodi folder.
3) Rebooted the machine.
4) Placed an advancedsettings.xml in my user data folder to enable debug logging.
5) Installed only the pvr.hts addon, and configured this to point at my tvheadend server. Note: I also enabled debug logging within the addon settings.
6) Restarted kodi for advancedsettings.xml to take effect (systemctl restart kodi)
7) Ran some SSH terminals with bcmstat, etc as suggested.
Navigated to the PVR section of the home screen and left it alone
Within 20 minutes kodi crashed and here is the terminal output for bcmstat:
This time around it recovered from the OOM condition, and kodi has re-spawned itself - maybe something about one of the other addons was previously preventing this....
Therefore, this time around I have a complete crash log
I was running a terminal with the repeating ps command loop; this is still running and constantly overwriting ps.log so the output there has moved on so will not be much use - SjPc
Following the crash, I have played a few PVR channels, and have now left it Idle again in the PVR section of the Home screen. I'll see whether it crashes again, and if so then I'll post up some further crash logs.
Do let me know if there are any other files required to help debug the code.