The reuse of the Pi is a nice perspective. Because I have no project ideas for it and selling it would not bring so much. And it is independent from any future solution.
Posts by tuep
And this would be with distance the most versatile solution?
I guess the most versatile and stable solution might be to switch to a selfmade sff-HTPC. But I guess this will never be compatible regarding the power consumption and noise.
I already had a look at it. But for me it is still unclear what the best solution might be.
Also I have the feeling that this list is pretty much focused on running Android and only giving some sidenote to LibreELEC but maybe I misunderstood.
my situation is as follows. I had run an RPi1 for some years mainly streaming videos from my NAS before I recently upgraded to an RPi3. Reason for that was that I read somewhere that Netflix was already running on it but not the normal Pi. Apparently I ad to figure out that this was already outdated. Back then I chosed the RPi3 just because I have had an RPi and liked the concept. I was not aware about different solutions at that time and did not compare anything which was of course a mistake.
Now I am considering to get an DVB-T2 stick in the near future. Since I am in Germany the DVB-T2 streams are encoded in H.265. So there is in principle no way ever that I can use the RPi3 for it. I read somewhere that I maybe can keep it as a server for the Signal and use a new second device connected to the TV or AV-Receiver.
But this time I don't want to make another mistake and get some advice what to get. Since I don't have any Clou what I need or what could be helpful in the future I try to describe my usecase as good as I can.
So I want to have a small device running LibreELEC. I know that for many tasks there are well functioning devices like Firestick or whatsoever. But I have trust issues and already going to LineageOS from SailfishOS took me a long time. Giving an device access to my NAS and network I prefer using LibreELEC.
I the device to be attached via HDMI to my TV or later AV-Receiver and being controlled via HDMI-CEC. It should be connected via WLan to my router 5GHz would be possible.
I am not the person running hundreds of addons from hundred addon pages. Just the simple streaming of TV-series and movies from my NAS via SMB is what I do 90% at the moment. Music and Photographs maybe in the future but I expect it will work with all devices likewise.
For sure I would need to integrate the DVB-T2 stick. Is there anything else I have to consider beside H.265? I am aware that I most likely will not be able to encrypt pay-TV. In case I want to see other German TV channels I maybe want to use a streaming service called Zattoo for which an Kodi addon exists.
For the DVB-T2 I would like to have the option to use timeshift and to record some shows, movies etc. To this end, I would like to attach a 2.5" external USB3 harddrive to the device.
I still would really like to stream Netflix via the box. I read that with KODI 18 there will be a working addon for this. But the RPi3 most likely can only handle 720p. Would be really nice to have an device which can handle 1080p.
The device should be stored together with the HDD for recording TV and depending on the TV solution with or without TV stick somewhere near the TV and being all time on. So a quite reasonable IDLE Power would be nice.
I already stumbled over the Odroid C2 which is often recommended. But before ordering anything I want to be sure that this will suite all my needs the best possible way.
Thanks for reading.
Will it run better on something like an odroid c2 than an RPi3?
I am talking about videos like this:
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
But its already an year old and I don't know whether its outdated.If id want work I would be a bit sad, since the idea of upgrading from Pi1 to Pi3 was a bit driven by this.
I think I read last spring about Netflix and Amazon Prime running finally on the Pi via this Chromium DRM trick.If it will not work at all it is also not a total desaster since Kodi is running a lot smoother, although I don't know what comes from the new Pi and what from the new Kodi version.
It's not possible
Oh really, I thaught that it is possible now via Chromium. Or is it a limitation of LibreELEC rather than the PI?
Is there somewhere a detailed guide how to get Netflix running on a Raspberry Pi 3 with LibreELEX 8?
Ah, so on the fat partition is solely the system and the complete config is on the bigger ext4 partition.
I will do it maybe the third way, since I dont have a second SD card by the hand. I copy the folders and also the hidden folders to my pc. Then I create a new fresh install and copy the old files back.Will this also work, when I am switsching to RPi3?
Hi everybody,
I recently tried out to update my OpenELEC installation to LibreELEC. I didn't make a backup which was stupid.
When I downloaded the specific update tarball, I selected the Raspberry 1 in the pulldown menu.
Unfortunately this didn't had any effect because it was blocked by NoScript.You can already guess what happened. I updated the version for Rapsberry Pi 2 and 3 to my Raspberry 1 and now it doesn't boot.
If the install/config is screwed it isn't a disaster. I will get a Pi 3 on short time and maybe a clean install is a good idea too. But would it be in principle possible to repair this messed up install?