Hi all,For information purposes as I found a work around. Attempted to install LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.95.3 BETA on my mac (mac mini early 2009 model) however after several attempts it would freeze on booting from the Install USB. Created USB install using the Utility (but also built it manually with same results). Started with Alt key, selected the USB install, pressed arrow to proceed but it would remain in that screen stuck (no mouse movement), it would eventually reboot after 4 - 5 minutes without any changes on the system.Was trying to do a single boot (no rEFIt), had wiped hard drive to a single partition (tried various combinations of format as dos or HFS+ as well as GUID and MBR)
Previously had successfully installed OE 7.0.1 as well as LE 7.0.3 Jarvis using the same method (Create USB install using the utility). Was finally able to install LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.95.3 BETA by first installing OE 7.0.1 and placing the .tar file in the update folder. No apparent problems to date.
Specs: Apple Mac mini "Core 2 Duo" 2.0 (Early 2009/NVIDIA) features a 2.0 GHz Intel "Core 2 Duo" (P7350) processor, a 3 MB on-chip level 2 cache, a 1066 MHz frontside bus, 2 GB of 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM (PC3-8500) memory, a 120 GB Serial ATA hard drive, DVD Drive, and a NVIDIA GeForce 9400M GPU with either 128 MB or 256 MB of shared memory.
Attached system log
Kudo's on all the hard work going into this project
Just adding new info in hopes this helps someone else with similar hardware or if makes any sense to some people. I have access to an identical MacMini to experiment with, taking a methodical approach here is what I found:
Confirmed exact symptoms although from multiple install attempts I have to admit this didn't always have the same results with the same scenario. Testing while using a USB install of OpenElec 7.0.1 and another of LibreElec v8.0.0 as well as Mac OS installed on an external Hard drive to make setting changes using preferences and terminal.
I failed to mention in the first post that prior to attempting an installation that I reset the PRAM on the Mac Mini, if I hadn't I may never of noticed a problem.
*Just after reset PRAM: It usually wouldn't boot from Install of OE and never of LE,
*After setting Mac OS as the startup Source in preferences: It usually did boot from OE install but rarely from LE
*After setting MacMini to always boot in Verbose mode: It always booted from OE install and almost always from LE
Note: It didn't seem to make a difference what state the MacMini hard drive was in, whether wiped with single part or OS installed with multiple parts etcs. Also having Verbose Mode enabled didn't noticeably change how the unit booted from the install media.
While this doesn't make sense to me as I say I hope it might be a clue for someone else and/or helps somebody in the same boat.