Posts by Mario77

    I have the same problems. Fresh installation of 10.95 and/or 11.

    The hard drive is no longer recognized.

    Attached to the Windows-PC there are no problems.

    Maybe I'm wrong but for me it seems like it's not happening anymore since LE11 @ yesterday morning..but you ll have to connect your HDD to windows first and fix for errors before trying it again with LE11 as if it got currupted from 10.95 it will remain as such with LE11...

    Maybe I m still old fashioned but the best 3 items you should install if you own a rpi are notepad++, winscp and putty..

    Use winscp to browse files on your pi,putty for ssh and notepad for editing..

    I think the issue might be the IP address I'm using... I'm new to LE but the IP address I put in for SSH was the one listed by my WiFi network in the LibreElec settings -> Network section. Is that the right IP?

    If your windows is on the same network as your rpi that should do it.

    If you just need ssh best bet is install putty..

    then create file..

    @echo off 
    cd \Program Files\PuTTY
    start putty.exe -ssh [email protected] -P 22 -pw libreelec

    ...change ip to your rpi ip


    save as myrpi4.bat and run it

    Same thing is hapenning to me since Nexus 10.95.xx rpi2

    Something is corrupting the hdd..have to connect it to windows each time to chkdsk then it works again..

    Also when unplugging it's showing the notification that it been unplugged from LE but it won t show in the moment it's working and will post pastekodi next time it will do it..

    It s not a power issue..this hdd been there for 3 years connected to this rpi2 with no issues..

    When the issue happens It s most likely when there was a crash and have to hard reset but even then it never corrupted the hdd before.

    Not sure what you'r trying to do but you don't really need to change any ports from your OS..

    You change the ports when you forward them to the outside world trough your router.

    Software decode will drive up the CPU usage and increase temps so get a decent passive cooling case (flirc case is highly recommended). The RPi4 SoC is designed to run much hotter than you're seeing .. it's not some fragile thing that must run at 40ºC.

    Hi Chewitt quick question..

    Are you sure streams using widevine are using software decoding?

    Why does my video info popup says hardware decoding active while streaming a show from an addon that uses widevine?

    peno64 could it be you are disabling hardware decoding?

    Where are you getting stuck?Did you find an openvpn server addon?

    I m using this and it's very easy to setup but its for Rpi's but you can always ask on that thread for any help to get it working on your nuc Open vpn server

    Keep in mind that by setting up the server you ll be probably able to access all your brother's home network connected devices not just the nuc..and your connecting device will be like being at your brother s house and assigned the ip from your brother's isp router..

    is this supposed to work on rpi4B? i have tried on mine and it doesnt work

    Don't see why not..

    I have power button with led setup on a rpi2 but slightly different setup then this post regarding led control..

    So assuming the eeprom issue is resolved since the start of this thread and you want this'll have to install rpi tools addon for gpio button control...not sure why it says

    install package adafruit-libraries

    Looks interesting, will have a play, Thank you

    Problem with Audio Profiles Addon is that it seems that it doesn't save settings like Audio Delay and other settings that have to be set from OSD menu..but ...

    You can integrate Audio profiles Addon together with Bluetooth Delay for Kodi

    Don't get confused with the bluetooth can rename profile "bluetooth" to let's say profile "projector"

    Second problem you will face is that apperently audio delay is set as per video type if you set the delay to be your default for that profile,so if you play the same movie on your TV you ll still have the same delay set but..

    If you go to post #26 on the link I posted user VIP made a version of the addon that accepts json api commands containing a forced audio delay command...

    So that's what your remote command needs to look like..#26

    I don't think so, see the post #3. Yes the original backup writes just some folders from parent /storage but if you make your own backup script, it's up to you. But the original restore can't restore to read only folders.

    I mean that i think you can only restore to /storage...regarding backup you can backup anything/anywhere you want but I would keep anything out of /storage to backup to a separate .tar just to have a backup and not to use later for restoring purposes..

    edit: looks like we'r saying same thing