here is this also.
Change line 144 to:
You might need to disable addon and edit then enable again for changes to take effect..
here is this also.
Change line 144 to:
You might need to disable addon and edit then enable again for changes to take effect..
Display MoreResuming this thread.
I can´t make it work.
For example in my WebGrab++.config.xml i have this:
And in my iptv simple iptv.m3u.cache I have this:
Code#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="ES:LA 1" tvg-logo="" group-title="CANALES ESPANA",ES:LA 1
But I can´t see epg information for any channel.
Is this channel configuration right?
In your iptv.m3u.cache,your tvg-id is empty you have to enter that...and always go to Pvr & Live TV settings in kodi settings and Clear data when you make changes to your webgrab or playlist otherwise the cached playlist will not update the changes
yes there is a delay in streaming and slow in youtube also
Don t use that for youtube...just use Music Pump or Yatse
Yes works thank you. It's slow but it's good better than nothing
VLC does that too on windows...not sure on android never tried it..
Try Screen Stream Mirroring from playstore
In Kodi you have to enable upnp/dlna and enable all in Control in settings services..
I have apk...Music Pump Remote from playstore and use that...there are others Web Video Caster
So the best way is to use AppleTV connected with kodi...right? what about miracast or casting from Android..Do I need also chromecast or is there any solution?
From android you have no can stream any video,picture or audio to LE
You can do it takes a bit of work...
create a folder for each movie..
Name that folder like the movie..
in each folder make another folder and name it .actors if you want to show also the actors and place the images of the actors in there..
make sure you have the poster and fanart in the parent folder for each them like the movie
The all you need is the .nfo edited for each movie
here is an example
You can also just edit the nfo by pointing to online thumbs instead of local...might be easier
You can have only 1 audio at one time for obvious reasons..
Thats wonderful, but when I use a STRM and another HTTP live audio stream, either the one plays and the other doesnt,
now according to the kodi documentation kodi is able to have two players running at the same time, I've been thinking of using this approach to solving my problem, however I dont know how to run a second player at the same time using another thread
With that addon you can have up to 5 streams at the same time...4 cameras and your music/movie in the background
Few examples how it works...small and large preview and 2 or 4 cameras
Just to let you know it's working fine...just tried it..listening to music/radio and streaming my camera
Strange...was working for me with a movie with audio and camera preview at same time....don't think I tried it with music on and camera preview tough but I assume it should work the same way...
That should work...ex you can watch a movie and watch your camera at the same time,,,I tried that before and worked fine....all you need to do is map a key on your remote for your camera stream preview and while watching your movie or listening to your music you click that button and you get a second picture pane with your camera...actually you can do that with more then 1 camera stream but if you are using a RPi it will struggle with more then 2 streams especially if they are's called PiP Picture in Picture...
So first you start your music and after you get your camera stream....
edit: I used this addon..don't think it's the same one suggested above surveillanceroom
Just tried the PWM with my setup and fan is working fine...gpio remains the same as before gpio12/ just had to change line 7 for PWM to work with Libreelec to
Changed dc input from the 3.3 to the 5v pin now as fan is mostly running on low speed...before was always on 3.3 cause was bit noisy on 5v as always running on full speed on or off...
...I ll let you know how it goes..
Just missing the logging now...
What makes you think that long press Ok is context menu?was it working before?
In most CEC instances there is no CEC context button enabled by default and all you have to do is map a button on your remote...Use a button that you don't normally use for anything else kodi related...
Start by installing Keymap Editor addon from kodi repo..and map a global-navigation-context menu button that works anywhere in kodi unrelevant of what window you are on..