can you flash stock 011 minix u1 firmware and then install 012 with temp enabled?
Based on the changelog its fixes the boot issue, which means it should boot with temp build
Official Release - NEO U1 FW011 - 20161201 | MINIX Forum - Official
I tried this, along with dozens of other P200 / P200_2G ROMs, over the last day or so and, so far have not found a suitable replacement for the MiniMX-G. Most failed to even boot to USB and, those that did froze within 5 reboots.
The Tronsmart Vega S95 Telos FW had me going for a while, with an impressive 15 consecutive reboots, but then froze on the 16th.
The led status was reversed with this ROM, so it probably would have been a bit weird having the light glowing when the box was off anyhow
Seems that the only way to move on to these 32bit builds is to use the disabled temp sensor variant
Is the Boot issue only present in the 7.0.x builds or are the 7.9.0 alpha builds also affected ?
nvm just found out it affects both