Posts by Jasloproductions

    Hi team.

    Start off i am running libreelec 7.95.3 and have tried x.2 amd x.1. This is the RPI3 images

    I am using a realtek based usb dongle by the name of neotek that is dualband supporting 2.4 and 5.8ghz

    In connmgr under cache (the txt file not the gui) i can see the wifi profiles and see the ssid passwprd and so on all stored properly. However when i rebopt the PI it creates a new folder / connmgr for the same wifi adapter. Each time resulting in me retyping the passqord and having to connect to the wifi everytime it reboots.

    In the confog.txt i have disabled the onboard wifi of the PI3 and have the issue still. I have tried the adapter in multiple pc and it works fine under linux and windows. It also connects and works great on the PI3 with the onboard disabled. Way better performance connecting to 5g and better reception due to the antenna.

    Let me know what debugg you need as i can see it under cache folder creating the wifi adapter folder after each reboot eachtime causing me to retype amd connect to the wifi each time. Same thing happens for shutdown btw. When i ssh i can see the adapter profile save the wifi ssid, pass and so on when i thpe it in. Soon as i reboot. Creats a new folder. For the adapter.

    Thanks for all your help