I used tinyproxy in docker container for a while but it seems that the latest update probably broke something...
I created a image with this dockerfile [really basic just for testing purposes]:
FROM armhf/alpine:3.5
MAINTAINER docker@libreelec.tv
RUN apk update && \
apk add --update tinyproxy
Then buil the image:
docker build -t tinyproxy .
and running the container with :
docker run -it tinyproxy ash
Then when I am inside the container I try:
# tinyproxy -d
and I have the error message coming:
Bus error
As test I also tried with ubuntu image:
FROM armhf/ubuntu:14.04
MAINTAINER docker@libreelec.tv
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get -y install tinyproxy
and the inside the container [bash this time]
[b]# tinyproxy -d[/b]
[b]Segmentation fault[/b]
Currently I am using the docker addon version8.1.114 and docker is
# docker --version
Docker version 1.13.1, build 1.13.1
current libreelec version:
LibreELEC (community) Version: 7.95.3
I tried with different version of Am I missing something here ?