Posts by davo22

    It seems that does not work anymore. The suggestion that I have seen advise to go instead for

    Only problem is that the .com addon is working on kodi 19 onwards while slice has still 18.9 :sleeping:.

    Any tips on that or another subtitle addon that can replace ?

    Hello I've a Slice with CM3. It has cooling system so it runs in standby around 37c and under load at ~55c.

    My current config is:

    # prevent scaling

    So max speed is 1350mhz. According to bcmstat (thanks for the tool!) it is a :

       Board: 4 x ARMv7 cores available, ondemand governor (CM3 rev 1.0, BCM2837 SoC with 1GB RAM by Sony UK)

    Has anyone tried with higher settings? These that I have I guess are the default ones delivered by the 5ninjas.

    I know that libreelec comes with a single user "root" but I would like to know if is possible to create something like a fake user.

    I have syncthing running as docker container and on run it specifies the user 10 and the group 10. In the docs it's advised to run syncthing with a non root-user. So the files created from syncthing have the 10:10 as user group. This user does not exist in the /etc/passwd as it's not writable.

    In samba.conf there's a possibility to specify the owner of the file created with

    force user = 10

    force group = 10

    This would theoretically create a user with 10:10. But when I try to browse the samba shares I receiver "The specified user does not exist". The problem is that without that settings, samba write a file that is owned by root so syncthing cannot delete/rename it.

    Is there a user between root and nobody that I can use instead? Or is is possible to create a new temporary user after boot without the need of changing the /etc/passwd?

    Ok I think I got it, I'm on libreElec 8.2.3 so I guess I am getting the 8.2 branch which actually contains the system-tool in version 107. Any chances/plans of implementing also the 108 changes in the 8.2 branch?

    It seems that the give Ninja forum is gone. I can still see some contents trough the Google cache but I guess won't be forever.

    Would be possible to be in touch with the admins if would be possible to have an archive of it in case? I think that there is some important knowledge for the slice users there that should be preserved.

    I used tinyproxy in docker container for a while but it seems that the latest update probably broke something...

    I created a image with this dockerfile [really basic just for testing purposes]:

    FROM armhf/alpine:3.5
    MAINTAINER [email protected]
    RUN apk update && \
        apk add --update tinyproxy

    Then buil the image:

    docker build -t tinyproxy .

    and running the container with :

    docker run -it tinyproxy ash

    Then when I am inside the container I try:

    # tinyproxy -d

    and I have the error message coming:
    Bus error

    As test I also tried with ubuntu image:

    FROM armhf/ubuntu:14.04
    MAINTAINER [email protected]
    RUN apt-get update && \
        apt-get -y install tinyproxy

    and the inside the container [bash this time]

    [b]# tinyproxy -d[/b]
    [b]Segmentation fault[/b]

    Currently I am using the docker addon version8.1.114 and docker is

    # docker --version
    Docker version 1.13.1, build 1.13.1

    current libreelec version:

    LibreELEC (community) Version: 7.95.3

    I tried with different version of Am I missing something here ?