Posts by robert90

    Yes for test it is possible to install oscam to another PC.
    I need to look again at the weekend himself .
    In the period under following log the image was stable, according to my mother.

    TVHeadend Log:

    Oscam Log:

    How should I use cccam with tvheadend? I can't choice this in the options (see picture).

    I think u have right, because I can't run the script manuel. I get this error:

    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/tv_grab_wg++: line 11: can't open 1: no such file
    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/tv_grab_wg++: line 11: 0: not found

    How can I do this? My Linux Know How is not so good. Maybe u have an Link for me?


    I use this file as EPG-Grab-Module

    But TVHeadend don't found any EPG-Channels.
    I use the same tv_grab_file (only other path for guide.xml) on my Synology NAS, there all works perfect.
    Any Idea why it doesn't work?

    Best Regards

    With this Version (WeTek_Play) the encrypted channels not work. They don't play, only not encrypted channels work.

    With the 4.1-2126 Version, the encrypted channels play, but freeze all few seconds.

    2016-06-19 20:29:50.092 subscription: 0009: " [  | Kodi Media Center ]" subscribing on channel "RTL HD", weight: 150, adapter: "Availink AVL6211+AV2011 DVB-S/S2 : DVB-S #1", network: "Astra 19.2", mux: "10832.25H", provider: "CBC", service: "RTL HD", profile="htsp", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center"
    2016-06-19 20:29:51.565 cwc: Got unexpected ECM reply (seqno: 3)
    2016-06-19 20:29:52.720 descrambler: cannot decode packets for service "RTL HD"
    2016-06-19 20:29:53.777 TS: Astra 19.2/10832.25H/RTL HD: TELETEXT @ #32 Continuity counter error (total 1)
    2016-06-19 20:29:53.872 parser: The timediff for TELETEXT is big (86119934), using current dts
    2016-06-19 20:29:53.875 parser: transport stream TELETEXT, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 0, last = 86116334
    2016-06-19 20:30:05.645 subscription: 0009: " [  | Kodi Media Center ]" unsubscribing from "RTL HD", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center"