Hello community,
I've done an LibreELEC update on my WeTek Play some weeks ago from 8.0.2 to 8.2.1 - the update was downloaded and the device rebooted, did the update massages on reboot and everything looked fine, but I didn't recognise then, that the version wasn't updated, it still says 8.0.2. Now I've seen there is an update 8.2.2 and tried that: it downloads... and then does nothing, it just closes the download dialog and stays in the LibreELEC settings. Tried it several times with reboot, still refuses to do anything.
Now I tried to connect via FTP with my standard settings, but the FTP connection is refused, Forklift (yes, macOS) only states: "Could not connect". SSH still works fine.
These two problems may or may not cohere, but this is, what I see now.
Hopefully someone can point in the right direction.
Merry Christmas to all!