Posts by plvoy


    ive installed a fresh LibreElec 8.0.1 on my rpi3... because... reasons... and i noticed that i cant select any cast list for my movies anymore under information?

    My backend is a MySQL Server running fine since forever. Even the information is present. I've written myself a frontend for when my HTPC Setup is offline which shows all the information and uses DB version 107, same as LE should use. (Link via PM if you have to see)

    I've installed Tranparency! Skin, it has the Cast list, but empty. Eminence Skin has the Cast Button, but greyed out.

    Estuary has this neat Actors list in the Movie Menu, its showing all the info. Just not related to the movie :( TV-Shows on the other hand work as a charm displaying all the main Cast above the plot. For Series and even extra Cast on the single Episode.

    What is wrong with the movie list?!

    Update: I've also set the default action for Videos to show Information, as most my Media is Offline (DVD, Blu). The setting is honored for TV-Shows, but not Movies, still wants to play movies right away.. may there be any relation?


    I got my HD44780 via i2c working on LibreElec 7.95.1 / rpi3 with LCDproc 8.1.102 - yet I had to use an older driver from my previous OpenElec Setup (driver from 3.3.2016)

    It boots and shows my welcome message. Kodi however doesnt seem to take control, I also cannot find the switch for activating the LCD. the LCD.xml is present in the userdata folder.

    Any Ideas?

    Update: Nevermind; I didnt have xbmc lcdproc installed. Except that I had to use an older driver, its running now as expected.