I created an account just to state the very nearly same thing, however wrt video codec bitrate info. However, unlike you I can see NO valid reason for the dumbing down as even the rankest imbecile would be better served seeing bitrate and other info given that an imbecile would have no other recourse unlike me who can jump through hoops, i.e. grab notebook, etc., ssh, poke around, be annoyed by idiots trying to tell me what's best, etc.
BTW I'm on the m004u asus chromebox bleeding edge builds and this still has NOT be reenabled... I'm really frightened by that...
At the very least I'd make this config file configureable, or realistically this should be the idiot -> someone with a clue setting like all of the other menu configs... i.e. basic(idiot) -> standard(imbecile) -> etc.