GDPR-1 thx alot !! - i will check it next week and give you feedback on 21th.
Posts by SPo
Could anybody help me to get this addon for the image anywhere precompiled ?
vfs.rar is included only... rb-addons/addons/9.0.4/Odroid_C2/arm at master · Raybuntu/rb-addons · GitHub
(newest image from Releases · Raybuntu/ · GitHub)
Kind regards, SPo
About remotes....Hi Raybuntu,
the switch to 32bit didn't work for me with - either via your hints from the 1st post or wrxtasy's script.
Nevertheless i got it workin with your image and 32 bit support. amazon and skygo works flawless. Thank you very much for that.
But i've got a new problem: i am using my panasonic zt`s remote via cec. The remote commands repeat to fast - i am jumping over several settings even with the shortest touch. It seems the delays in the cec settings doesn't have any effect on the behaviour - even with highest delay times.
Any hints avaiable ?
update: solution:
just cover your ir receiver or stop lirc via libreelec config
Ok... now i figuered, that the massive lag from my post thread-4248-post-32241.html#pid32241 was a wrong ip address in my sources.xml
took me three days to figure this out...
A new question: i changed from the new LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-7.95.3.img.gz 64 image like you told in your 1st note to 32bit.
Now i`ve got the problem, that i don`t know which repo to use for binary addons. I guess the update info i am getting is always for 64bit, because i get the following error for inputstream addon:Log entry:
CodeERROR: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/inputstream.adaptive/, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/inputstream.adaptive/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
Linux itself tells me its an 64bit arch:
Codeodroid:~/.kodi/cdm # uname -a Linux odroid 3.14.29 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Feb 11 12:03:51 CET 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux
But the correct libwidevinecdm is installed:
Codeodroid:~ # sh /tmp/ Detected ARCH: arm Download directory: /storage/.kodi/cdm Downloading: for arm... ######################################################################## 100.0% Successfully installed!
My Repo`s are:
CodeKodi Add-on repository (Team Kodi -2.5.8) Kodi game add-on repository (alpha) (Team Kodi -1.0.0) Kodinerds Add-ons ( - LibreELEC Add-ons (Team LibreELEC - 8.1.0) Sandmann79s Repository (Sandmann79 - 1.0.2)
Which one is to delete and which one is to install ?
i am using your image with a mysql database, centralized Thumbnails (via pathsubst in advacedsettings.xml) and a mysql server to sync my steaming-clients.
The image itself runs smooth - all settings dialouges and addon install runs fast and nice.
BUT: the movje thumbnail view in the start screen is filled, but if you scroll through your movies, covers are missing. Swjtching to the music view shkws no covers on the listed albums. The pvr client starts forever and when it is started, i get no epg data. Steaming itself from vdr and smb share runs smooth again...
The weather plugin doesnt get any data....How could i analyze the problem ? I don`t achieve the problems on wetek or cubox....
I assume it has something to do with mysql or the shared files (thumbnails, userdata like sources, passwords, playlists,...). And it may be a problem in the movie section, because all following views (music, live tv, weather) are showing the running circlefor pls be patient. The logs are not telling about any errorsdirectly... but i dunno where to look in special.Has someone a similar setup and its running ?
ODROID-C2 with Raybuntu`s Libreelec 8.x
Cubox i4 Pro with Libreelec 8.x
Wetek Play with Libreelec 8.x
ubuntu 14.x lts server with mysql and vdr (nfs and smb shares) -
as first time odroid-c2 user i want thank you (at first) and to share some of my experiences with your build:
i can`t locate the problem better, but it seems the network traffic stalls sometime: i am not able to browse the repositories, i am not able to browse the RB Backup Add-ons Repo (installed from zip file, get always a timout) and access to the internal class c subnet is very laggy.
I realized, that a reboot is not as goot as a full hw-reset (power off via power supply or via rocker switch). I got at least access to the preinstalled repos after a full reset... a normal reboot leads mostly in timeouts to all of the repos.
The addon and radio and tv view and more from the main view doesnt update (endless rotating icons)... (movies and music works... maybe because of the mysql connect ?)
I use centralized Icons, shared via nfs, stored on my ubuntu server.
I get an tv guide with channels but without epg data.
My setup:
1Gbit Zyxel switch, vdr, nfs, samba and mysql db on ubuntu 14.04 lts headless server (core i5 with 16GB) for video an music db, and - of course - odroid-c2, but with SDcard for now.I am using a wetek play, raspberry pi 1+2 and cubox 4 i pro, too. All on actual libreelec 8x. beta.
which device tree do i have to dl for beta4 for my odroid-c2 ?
can`t get it workin. I followed install instructions from thread-3588.html but i get no blue LED. What do i have to do after writing the image to sdcard ?
I tested with device trees from\device_trees: gxl_p212_2g.dtb and gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit_OTG_Port.dtb, but the device doesn`t boot....Update 2:
I guess i have to do Step 5 for the 1st time boot like the toothpick method....
But how do i do this with odroid-c2 doens`t have one reset switch ?