Posts by lallhands

    Yeah, heard that performance should be no big deal, the nuc is perfectly suited for handling all current formats :). Unfortunately I don't know either, how to confirm whether the actual output is 10bit, but this would be the most interesting thing besides HD-Audio passthrough, which still seems to be not working if using HDMI connection and 4k resolutions, if I remember it correctly from

    I have not yet tested the pass-through. I will be testing that this week through my AVR and I'll let you know. The first tests I did were direct to the TV, next I'll move it back and run it through my Onkyo in passthrough and let you know how it goes.

    It is a 10bit hevc file. It's using the developmental hevc vaapi driver. I tried playing it on the Braswell which plays 8bit 4K well and it died. I can tell you that the picture quality/color depth is night and day between the 8bit file playing on the Braswell and the 10bit file playing on the Apollo Lake. Not sure how to verify the TV side of the feed but the picture is amazing!

    Look at the following link for performance.


    Anyone have any new feedback on Apollo Lake experience as a LibreElec box?

    I've been evaluating my NUC6CAYS with 4K HEVC dev build. Get great 4K 10bit playback at 60Hz on my Samsung UHD TV but the build is still buggy (occasional crashes, lock ups, etc). It's early but I would say the hardware has no problem with 10bit 60Hz playback (Super low load 30% RAM usage and I'd say an average of 15% - 25% processor load... the software is getting there. Looking forward to the final product!