Posts by SaulGoodman

    Hi thesash,

    As mentioned before, I updated the BIOS to the latest version. So that wasn't the issue.

    For everyone else who might be experiencing this issue, I've finally found a permanent fix!

    The problem was that the EFI instructions on the system kept the boot information from my Windows install.
    There was an entry for the main HDD and so the EFI loader kept looking for that Windows install, which is why it kept giving the 1962 error.

    The fix for me was very simple in the end (once I figured it out).

    WARNING: This fix involves modifying the system's EFI boot instructions and can result in a broken system if not done properly (or in your case might break just because your setup was different than mine).
    Continue at your own risk!!

    Step 1: Create boot USB with LibreELEC USB Creator tool
    Step 2: Boot your system into the installation USB stick
    Step 3: Install LibreELEC as per the usual instructions
    Step 4: Reboot
    Note: This is the point where my system always broke. I always got the Error 1962 here.
    Step 5: Boot into the USB stick again, but this time run the LIVE version of LibreELEC (off of the USB, as though you were just running it in portable mode)
    Step 6: Go to the Kodi addons and install System Tools (the one that includes efibootmgr)
    Step 7: Run System Tools (which opens a Terminal window)
    Step 8: run 'efibootmgr' and note all of the bootnums (in the format of XXXX) that mentions Windows or anything that might be pointing to your PC's main HDD (where LibreELEC is installed)
    Step 9: run 'efibootmgr -b XXXX -B' where XXXX is the bootnum of the EFI entry. In my case, the culprit was 0016 so I ran ' efibootmgr -b 0016 -B'

    Step 10: run the following:

    efibootmgr -c -L "LibreELEC" -l "\EFI\BOOT\bootx64.efi"

    Now shutdown the PC and remove your installation USB disk.

    You should be able to reboot directly into LibreELEC now.

    Well I've found a bandaid fix for the moment.
    After exhausting all options when trying to fix the issue, I finally decided just to install LE on a USB stick and run it from there.
    I went through the whole process and then booted into LE installed on the USB drive... awesome!
    What I didn't realize is that something happened with the boot sequence and I was actually booting into the PC's HDD installation, not the USB drive.
    I thought maybe the bootloader was fixed so I removed the USB drive and tried booting directly to the HDD again, but got the same error (Error 1962: No operating system found).
    So I popped the USB stick back in and now it boots every time into the HDD's LibreELEC.
    I removed the "Storage" partition of the USB stick to make sure that I was really booting into the HDD and sure enough it still works.
    I really wish I could find out why the problem was fixed this way, but for now I'll just be happy that it works.
    (I also tried formatting everything and redoing the installs in both locations to reproduce the fix, and it worked again)

    So to recap:

    • I created a USB Installation Drive with the USB Creator (USB Stick A)
    • Found a 4GB unused USB drive to use as the dummy setup (USB Stick B)
    • Booted into USB Stick A and ran Installer
    • Installed LE on USB Stick B
    • Installed LE on PC's HDD
    • Removed USB Stick A from the PC
    • Rebooted and kept USB Stick B

    I read somewhere on these forums that OE and LE don't like having 2 installations on one system. So I guess in this case it was in my favour.

    Thanks for all the help.