Posts by argonym

    I've got same issue with latest build:

    2017-02-06 13:13:46.692 mpegts: 658MHz in dvbt - tuning on Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0
    2017-02-06 13:13:46.693 linuxdvb: Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Inappropriate ioctl for device]
    2017-02-06 13:13:46.693 mpegts: 522MHz in dvbt - tuning on Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0
    2017-02-06 13:13:46.693 linuxdvb: Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Inappropriate ioctl for device]
    2017-02-06 13:13:46.693 mpegts: 754MHz in dvbt - tuning on Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0
    2017-02-06 13:13:46.693 linuxdvb: Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Inappropriate ioctl for device]

    To fix this problem, use my build from :[7.95.beta5] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KI Plus / KII Pro
    If is same as kszaq's only adding support for internal dvb tuner. Also install tvheadend42 + pvr.hts from this post.

    I also have an USB DVB-T/C adapter with Si2168, and manually installing (just) afl1's Tvheadend addon (replacing the one from kszaq's addons repo + disabling auto-update) fixes the issue for me.

    Same for me.

    This error is logged when trying to tune with the tvheadend addon from @kszaq's repository:
    > kodi tvheadend[2988]: linuxdvb: Silicon Labs Si2168 : DVB-T #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Inappropriate ioctl for device]

    The addon from afl1's repository also works fine for me.

    Strangely, both addons/apps have the same version: HTS Tvheadend 4.1.2401 ~ LibreELEC Tvh-addon v8.1.108