Posts by karimtr

    hello guys..please i need help :(
    my remote controle of receirver hybrid ott does not work anymore after the transformation to acemax k1dvb s2 :@
    please i need your help to find the original firmware hybrid ott amlogic s805 or hybrid ott "remote config" :heart:

    think you for your attention ..and i am sorry for the bad writing in english :s .


    this is the romote.conf of acemax k1dvb s2

    #this file is configuration for each factory remote device
    # work_mode 0 :software mode 1 :hardware mode
    # repeat_enable 0 :disable repeat 1 :enable repeat
    # factory_code each device has it's unique factory code.
    # pattern:custom_code(16bit)+index_code(16bit)
    # examble: 0xff000001 = 0xff00(custom cod) 0001 (index)
    # release_delay unit:ms.release will report from kernel to user layer after this period of time
    # from press or repeat triggered.
    # debug_enable 0 :debug disable 1 :debug disable
    # SW MODE:
    # bit_count how many bits in each frame
    # tw_leader_act time window for leader active
    # tw_bit0 time window for bit0 time.
    # tw_bit1 time window for bit1 time
    # tw_repeat_leader time window for repeat leader
    # REG
    # reg_base_gen set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BASE_GEN
    # reg_control set value for PREG_IR_DEC_CONTROL
    # reg_leader_act set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_ACTIVE
    # reg_leader_idle set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_IDLE
    # reg_repeat_leader set value for PREG_IR_DEC_REPEAT_IDLE
    # reg_bit0_time set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BIT0_TIME
    #amlogic NEC remote
    #factory_code = 0xfb040001 #amlogic rel
    factory_code = 0xff000001 #video striong
    work_mode = 0
    repeat_enable = 1
    repeat_delay = 40
    repeat_peroid = 39
    release_delay = 121
    debug_enable = 1

    fn_key_scancode = 0x12
    left_key_scancode = 0x5a
    right_key_scancode = 0x1b
    up_key_scancode = 0x06
    down_key_scancode = 0x16
    ok_key_scancode = 0x1a
    pageup_key_scancode = 0x55
    pagedown_key_scancode = 0x15

    0 0x5a
    1 0x1b
    2 0x06
    3 0x16

    #video strong
    0x59 116 #power
    0x19 113 #mute
    0x0e 130 #info
    0x0D 102 #home
    0x51 14 #del
    0x12 134 #mouse
    0x4d 137 #epg //没找到
    0x11 262 #dtv

    0x45 125 #menu
    0x05 1 #exit

    0x06 103 #up
    0x5a 105 #left
    0x1a 97 #enter
    0x1b 106 #right
    0x16 108 #down

    0x55 104 #page+
    0x15 109 #page-

    0x52 2 #1
    0x50 3 #2 //没着到匹配的
    0x10 4 #3
    0x13 115 #vol+

    0x56 5 #4 //没着到匹配的
    0x54 6 #5
    0x14 7 #6
    0x17 114 #vol- //没着到匹配的

    0x4e 8 #7 //没着到匹配的
    0x4c 9 #8
    0x0c 10 #9
    0x0f 11 #0
    0x4a 121 #fr //没着到匹配的
    0x48 120 #ff
    0x08 122 #prev
    0x0b 123 #next

    0x46 119 #play/pause //没着到匹配的
    0x44 128 #stop
    0x04 56 #pvr
    0x07 132 #repeat

    0x42 134 #red
    0x40 133 #green //没着到匹配的
    0x00 131 #yellow //没着到匹配的
    0x03 140 #blue //没着到匹配的

    0x1f 212 #fav
    0x58 261 #app
    0x18 263 #browser //没着到匹配的

    0x0e 136 #audio //没着到匹配的
    0x09 135 #subtitle

    0x02 130 #info
    0x01 136 #audio //没着到匹配的

    0x47 11
    0x5C 97
    0x49 14
    0x1D 108
    0x1C 105
    0x53 125
    0x0A 15
    0x1e 132
    0x4f 30
    0x5d 46
    0x47 11
    0x13 2
    0x10 3
    0x11 4
    0x0F 5
    0x0C 6
    0x0D 7
    0x0B 8
    0x08 9
    0x09 10
    0x5C 97
    0x51 65
    0x49 14
    0x06 130
    0x14 131
    0x44 103
    0x1D 108
    0x1C 105
    0x48 106
    0x53 125
    0x45 104
    0x19 109
    0x16 102
    0x52 119
    0x05 122
    0x59 123
    0x1b 120
    0x04 121
    0x1A 116
    0x0A 15
    0x0e 113
    0x15 63
    0x1F 102
    0x1e 132
    0x07 133
    0x12 134
    0x54 135
    0x02 136
    0x4f 30
    0x42 48
    0x5d 46
    0x4c 32
    0x58 137
    0x55 140