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Hi,I just updated to the latest beta (7.95.1 8.0) and now I have to press every remote button twice to get the reaction I want. It doesn't matter which button I press first, only the second one does get executed. If I need to go down a list one element, I could press down, stop, play or whatever (nothing happens), then I can press down and Kodi executes it. There doesn't seem to be a timeout issue: I can press the first button and wait 30 seconds and Kodi executes the command.
The problem occurs only with the integrated IR port of my Zotac ZBOX nano AD-10. If I plug in the included USB dongle and cover the integrated one everything works just fine. It doesn't matter if I use the included remote or my Harmony Hub for both.
It worked great with the previous alpha (pretty sure it was v7.90.010), so something must've changed.
I ran irw and only the odd button presses appear there, so it must be a problem with lirc.
I don't know what else to test, so please advise.
i have the same problem with my zotec nano.
By the way a RPI-II works without any Problems with a Lirc-Remotecontrol.