The box automatically powers off when the AVR is shutdown (which happens when the TV is shut down). The Box is connected to the AVR and not the TV.
Check CEC settings inside kodi
My equipment is similar(beelink box, denon AVR X3330 and Sony TV)
The box automatically powers off when the AVR is shutdown (which happens when the TV is shut down). The Box is connected to the AVR and not the TV.
Check CEC settings inside kodi
My equipment is similar(beelink box, denon AVR X3330 and Sony TV)
A fast SD card is unexpensive
My choice: sandisk extreme plus 32GB & samsung pro plus 32GB
I´m a lucky man - my internal card reader works fine
Bottleneck was internal network interface
Try to install on fast SD card
My first installation was USB -> LE/Kodi was slow
Now I installed on fast SD card (Read/Write 95MB/sec) -> LE/Kodi ist fast and smooth
To improve network speed I use USB-Gigabit Network adapter
Incorrect. Every box is affected, not every TV is affected.
My TV is not affected
My main concern is:"If you use S905X device the screen will be darker than normal on boot. It goes back to normal after you start/stop a video"
Not every Box with S905X Chipset is affected.
If so, there is a workaround adding Splash Video to autostart
I'm running atm on my Beelink MiniMx.
Is 8.0.0c stable enough to use as daily LE?
Yes, it works
LE 8.0.0b - Beelink Mini MXIII II(2/16) SD Card - HDMI - Denon AVRX3300 - working fine
(S905X Chipset)
try 8.0.0b
next try using USB-Network adapter based on ASIX AX88178 chipset
Works better for me than Realtek RTL8153 based adapter.
Smooth via NFS
SMB still jerky
USB sticks are way too slow for 140 mbps which strains some USB HDDs as well... The s905x is not the bottleneck here
I have two 4-bay NAS
QNAP TS 412 and Netgear Readynas 104
Connected to GBit LAN, two network cables in mode adaptive load balancing, NFS shared
testing 140 mpbs:
Netgear NAS works well and smooth
QNAP NAS ist at the limit
SMB share from PC(Windows) is very jerky
I agree - s905x is not the bottleneck
I'm surprised that your box based on s905x (like mine) is able to handle the 140 Mbit file. I have tried directly from a USB stick and it was lagging.
Somewhere I have read that these boxes are all created equal, so that's not true
I never tried from a USB stick, my sticks are to old, to small and to slow.
Don't know all this boxes are equal
Did You try USB-HDD ?
Works for me either
That won't work. Please don't suggest things unless you have actually tried it.
I did it and it works running kodi on ubuntu linux
Please don't tell me I'm wrong unless knowing all facts.
next test using USB3-Network adapter based on Realtek RTL8153
Adapter works oob with LE 7.95b
Iperf reports 180-330 Mbit
jellyfish-140-mbps-4k-uhd-hevc-10bit.mkv runnig smooth
Adapter is not working with Stock Android
If the interfaces your box don't support more than 100 Mbit, the only option is what mmpp suggested. Or a USB Wireless AC adapter.
I'm fortunate to have Wireless AC in my box, however the box can handle only up to 120 Mbit bitrate streams, so even only 100 Mbit should be adequate.
It´s a S905X box(only 100Mbit)
Maybe I will test with 300MBit USB Wireless stick from my HiFiberry Raspberry, got only little hope
USB Gigabit adaper ist available at amazon store, will try ASIX AX88178 and Realtek RTL8153
Testing my network speed using iperf
#S905X Box <-> NAS
340 MBytes 95.0 Mbits/sec sender
336 MBytes 94.0 Mbits/sec receiver
#Raspberry PI 3 <-> NAS
324 MBytes 90.5 Mbits/sec sender
323 MBytes 90.3 Mbits/sec receiver
another test playing Jelly fish 140 Mbit over samba from Windows 10 PC
not working at all
There is no noticeable benefit using a NFS server runnig on Windows(in this case)
Testing a lot today:
Result was disappointing using network
Using USB-HDD is working fine.
Best result was using USB3 interface running SPMC directly on the TV
(TV running Android TV OS)