Thank You so much.
Don´t use one of this creapy cheap HDMI cable
Thank You so much.
Don´t use one of this creapy cheap HDMI cable
Thank You for Your support. Could You to specify, please, whether Your test have involved audio playing through HDMI?
Box is connected to Denon AVR using HDMI
Can you please give me a hint how to install to internal. With TWRP?
First start reading how to & faq
Then try a fast sd card
Remember: If You install to internal You will wipe Android
it is a little uncomfortable to quote ourself but I think that I must do it. Simply I have not a chance to solve my problem by myself. Thank You for all Your hard work and please help me if You can.
Just tested my .flac - LE is playing all samplig rates from 44 to 192khz 16/24 bit
My Hardware is listed in signature
solution but i didn't find the smb.conf to modified.
Open ssh connection, cd to folder /storage/.config
You will find the file 'samba.conf.sample'
Thank you, and what is the impact if I don't use device tree or use wrong device tree ? And how to see if correct device tree was used ?
In worst case the box will not boot using wron device tree.
To see Your used device tree, ssh to Your box an type
My box reports:
LibreELEC:~ # fw_printenv|grep aml_dt
I am not sure how to add it, or change one of the above menu items.
You can edit the corresponding .xml file
15mbit/s is not enough
Display Morelogin as: root
[email protected]'s password:
# LibreELEC #
# LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI #
LibreELEC (community) Version: 8.90.0-devel-201707131901-g834a470-I
LibreELEC git: c3df916ccd7b06fb923e473f7b2c308501498ada
LibreELEC:~ # Fw_setenv hdmimode 1080p60hz
-sh: Fw_setenv: not found
LibreELEC:~ # Fw_setenv outputmode 1080p60hz
-sh: Fw_setenv: not found
LibreELEC:~ #
LibreELEC:~ #
Don´t use uppercase letters
Try typing fw_setenv
The main reason to buy a USB 3.0 Ethernet adaptor rather than USB 2.0 is that it is quite tricky to find USB 2.0 Gigabit Ethernet devices with decent support.
Try USB-Network adapter based on ASIX AX88178 chipset
I really wish Windows supported NFS as it sounds a lot less troublesome.
You have options:
1. Windows 10 Enterprise with NFS support
2. Run 3rd party NFS server
Best option -> NAS
In which Userdata folder should I put the advancedsettings.xml, I found a few...
What does that mean
Mounting in shell via ssh
Interesting. I've tried to set it in the file explorer - but it would not be saved. I'll try it again.
Open SSH connection and create the folder with linux command
LibreELEC:~ # dd if=dtb.img of=/dev/dtb bs=256k
dd: can't open 'dtb.img': No such file or directory
Try full path to file dtb.img
It depends on Your AV-R.
Is self-explanatory